
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

I work in Human Resources. My father was a Marine and my Grandfather served in the Navy during WWII and Korea.

What Brought You To This Site:

My daughter is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

At first I was stunned. After a while and I knew she thought things out, I am very proud of her. My nephew is planning on joining the Marines. I am trying to help my sister with the process.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • was wondering if I could use your Taps story from the navy history group, on the Navy History group on N4M's. Wanted to ask your permission. Carol
  • Hey Tony sorry its taken so long to get back to you, but its been real busy in the recruiting world. As for your ansure your sons time starts the day he left for boot camp. If you need anything else let me know.
  • Hi Tony - My oldest son is a CTR and he was in California for a while. Then he served for 3 years in Misawa Japan and is now based in Pensacola as an instructor. Thanks for the invite - I look forward to communications.
  • Thank you, Tony, for the congratulations for my girls. Can you tell how proud I am of them? Jessica also received a J-Com medal and her second Blue Jacket of the Quarter, before she left Denver for Norfolk (3 weeks ago). I may be a little prejudiced because I am the Mom, but I think my girls are great Sailors!
  • Hi Tony,
    Thank you for the friend invite. And, congratulations to your daughter Mara on her recent PIR.

    I am at work now and all my jerky recipes are at home, so I will send those to you tomorrow if that is alright. I read the "recipe posting" regarding the USO comment and I agree. I have received an overwhelming response from the Sailors and Marines that I have been sending jerky to. I started off sending it in care packages to my son and one of his bootcamp buddies who is deployed overseas. And because they shared with others, I continue to get requests for more.
    I'll be in touch.
  • Tony--- Paige is our jerky expert as she makes it all the time to send to troops around the globe. Stop by the Care Packages for Our Military Group and get involved--- check with Paige as she has several tasty formulas for jerky
  • Tony,
    He called the night he arrived. He borrowed a cell phone from his temporary roommate. We then mailed his cell phone the next day and two days later it was in his hands.

    Your daughter should have a chance to call you tonight, if she can access a phone.

    Congratulations on the next step!!
  • Hi Tony. HM here and I's sorry our sailors and families didn't get to hook up.
    Congratulations to Mara and her entire dividion. I thought it was an amazing ceremony.
    Please wish Mara smooth sailing to Monterrey and suggest she grab her surf board, wake board, SPF 30 sun tan lotion, kayak, bicycle and an Amtrak map to the San Francisco Bay. Not only is she reporting to a highly motivated and physically beautiful location, her liberty will be indescribable.
    Congratulations to all!
    HM (FMF)
  • Thank you, Tony, for that helpful word of advice. It had been noted!-Bob
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