My son left for RTC on Monday 3/5 and I have been working night shift. So tonight I decided to write his first letter. It was harder than I thought. I asked a lot of questions just so he'll have something to write back about. We haven't received his form letter yet, so I don't know his address yet. But as soon as we get it, I'm ready to mail his first letter. The info on this site helps to write good letters (you can ask all the right questions). I am so proud of him and I'm sure he will do great.
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I'm in the same situation, working graveyards and sleeping. Son left April 10th, first weekend without our SR. I've already started a letter, but a little premature as we still have a couple of weeks to go before we receive our "Kid in a Box" and the letter. Certainly makes it a lot easier with the help from all the Navy Dads. My wife is also gaining a lot of support through Navy Moms. Our kids will manage just fine, they've proven we did good as parents, look at the choices they've already made. Be strong and very proud, you've earned it.
The questionaires are a great idea - I forgot that ... we too copied off some comics and pictures onto sheets, and then wrote letters on them.
one thing to and dad want nothing else but to hear about Navy life....your sailors live it 24 hours a day- they sometimes appreciate talk of the "outside" world....
jus' sayin' - strike a balance
There are some great questionaires you can send somewhere on the internet. Since my son's not much of a talker, it helped that all he had to do was fill out the spaces.
Also, I'd printed off his favorite comic strips and send them to him. They really appreciate getting the mail so don't be afraid to write often.
Remember to number the outside of the envelopes as they don't always get the mail in order.