Thought id Change this thread to Call and Letter updates. Please feel free to post when you get a call or letter with the company Ship and div along with time and date. This really helps in letting some know a call or letter is forthcoming soon. It also keeps the moral up even though it might not be your sailor that has been in contact ....YET....

Happy new year!!!


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  • Got an unexpected call today  from our son who is a nuke candidate Ship 09 Div 071 , he was in very good spirits his PIR date is 2/11 has has easily passed the physical fitness test and done good on all the written test & inspections.  He got his first pick of nuke rating, Electronics Technician (ET) they actually start up and shutdown the reactor and operate it.   He sounded very confident and happy what a difference a few more weeks makes and gotten passed the uncertainty.  The division has lost 16 people and 4 of the nukes it is like the game show Survivor LOL.   


    By the way Joel the standard form letter used to come with the box but we got ours separately I think they mail it separately.  It mostly give the names of 4 people your son invited to graduation a Password if you plan to go so you can get a parking pass.   Then there are some do's and don'ts and how to contact them in an emergency et . anyway just keep waiting you will get the letter in a couple of days.  Welcome to the group the first 3 weeks is the hardest then it gets easier for you and for your recruit too.


  • Good morning.  We have received the box of his stuff, but no letter. I have read several people receving a standard form letter, just curious what is on that letter and how do we get one. Thanks
  • My son said they were about to start week three as well during his phone call on the 7th.  It doesn't seem to add up with a PIR date of 2/11.  Could be they are on an "off" schedule because of the holidays I suppose.
  • Recieved another letter today. Jan 11th will be the half way point.  He  said everything was going pretty good, thier div. got into a little bit of trouble but he did not elaborate as to why.  He said they had to do extra p.t.  Mentioned that his knee was giving him a little trouble but said he was getting by.  Hopefully we will get a phone call this week.

  • Hi all...We also got our call today. Ship 9 div 071. I also thought they were on week 3. Otherwise how can they PIR on the 11th? I sure hope its the 11th now.  We already got our hotel and rent a car. Anyway, He is also doing well. He is a section leader and said they get up at 5am everyday. Has to stand watch every 3 days and its always the later watches. Said they are not marching well but getting better.  As we were talking we heard the company commanders come in yelling...GET OUT...GET OUT NOW! And he said a quick i love you guys and hung up.   Thats about it.  Im guessing we do not hear from him again until near PIR.

  • Well I got a call from my son just now Jan 7 around 4:30 from, Ship 09 Div 071.   We talked for about 8-1/2 minutes.  He said they just finished week 2 of training in his division.  He said it takes about 5-6 days for mail to arrive but he is indeed getting all the mail I sent him, and he is reading all it.  He said Dad, I am just too busy to write back, I only get 6 hours of sleep and have to take care of all of my stuff, which is fine with me. He said he knows all the stuff he was supposed to study.    He kept saying, Dad, I am fine. He is in good health the food is good, and he is keeping up, and has met the other nukes and is making friends in the division.   He has a cold like a lot of the people there but is just working through it.  Sounded upbeat and confident though tired.  Somehow I thought they were finishing week 3 of training by now  but I guess with the holidays it is now the end of week 2 of actual training.    He said he did not expect to call again until near graduation nears.



  • Received a phone call from my son on January 4th. He had 2 minutes. Was really enjoying the letters he had received. The longer the letters the better. Wanted me to send him paper/envelopes/stamps to write home with. Sent box off today. He sounded good and told me on the phone he was really doing good. We have also received one letter to date. He hasn't lost his dry sense of humor. Looking forward to seeing him @ PIR on 2/11.
  • Being new years day. I would think some of will hear from our sailors. We shale see. Good luck to all.
  • Got a letter yesterday also Made our day !Seems to be doing good thats all we wanted to know. He did say he doesnt like the white crap on the ground hahaha , hes a So Cal desert boy the only snow experience he has is on the ski slopes. He did say 3 guys were sent to the hospital from slipping on the ice hope there ok. He also said he misses chips and salsa . Maybe we will hear from this weekend keeping our fingers crossed.
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