
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Displaced factory worker reborn as a Networking Technician. I am the father of three, and enjoy almost anything outdoors. I am very proud that my son is a third generation Eagle Scout.

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is currently serving, My son is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Very proud but uneasy at the same time. It's more than a little unsettling to discover how much I don't know about what my son will be going though.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

While helping my wife set up an account on the Navy for Mom's site, I saw a comment about this site.

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  • I am finally getting back to you.  We have just returned from a vist with Alyssa's brother a Whidbey Island NAS north of Seattle.  Alyssa was able to get her leave lineded up with our trip. she met us and the five of us spent the week together.

  • Is Ben as glad to be back as my daughter?

  • heard from my son today, he sent me the PDF form that i needed. My son had sent me a word document that did not include the medical or enrolment form. I was finding the forms all over the place on the net but dint want any problems getting on this tiger. Hope to meet you there. The picture in my profile is with Petra and myself, my son and youngest daughter. I took my son on a Cristmast cruise told him he owed me a cruise now.

  • Tim I noticed that you were invited to the tiger first week in August. My son sent me the info on the tiger but did not send the forms to fill out. I was reading your profile and noticeded that you are also a father of three. I had to raise my kids as a single parent. I was featured in a fund raiser for the YMCA Gale Sayers was the key note speaker.

    My son is currently serveing on the Lincon as a nuke MM3. If you have the forms that need to be filled out by the tiger I would be very thankful if you could forward them to me. I have the information package  that my son sent but not he forms.

    I have found the medical forms for the cvn71 from a past tiger.

  • glad it worked out...we aim to please...we might not hit the target, but we try!!!  Thanks for being part of NavyDads!!
  • I made some changes on the site to address another issue...did that have any effect on the issue you reported?
  • I'll forward your help message to the rest of the team...I use IE7 at work and Firefox at home and the site displays fine for me.  I do not use mobile stuff at all so maybe Tim can help.
  • Tim you're quite welcome. If I can be of any other help just let me know. When you consider all the regular training recruits go through it really is amazing how the 900 divisions can pull together in such a short time.

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