I am at the point now i mail 2 a month to my son since hes been deployed but running out of ideas of things to send maybe new ideas i always send the usaul drink mixes jerky crackers once a month soap pods and things like that. son said to me its getting repetitious. so now asking for new ideas thank you all
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How about some of those small, innexpensive puzzles? Like the wire ones. Places like the restaurant chain 'Cracker Barrel' have a bunch of stuff like that. We have gotten a ton of Moon Pies their for our sailor. Any place that sells a lot of tourist stuff or even toy stores would be plaes to look
It's about Girl Scout cookie time and I had an idea. I am going to get several USPS shipping boxes, address them to one or more sailors, and have them put out when a troop is sellng in front of a big store. The kids will just ask the customers if they want to buy one extra for the troops. I planned to pay for the shipping.
my best advice is to spend an hour and read through the past posts in the group. Depending on location there are different ideas.....