A group for family & friends of Culinary Specialist (CS) PKA mess management specialist (MS)
"Chow Time!"
Raising More Than Just Bread...
Story Number: NNS131010-08Release Date: 10/10/2013 9:29:00 AMBy Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kenan O'Connor, Boxer Amphibious Ready Group Public AffairsINDIAN OCEAN (NNS) -- Napoleon Bonaparte, the former emperor of France, once said "an army marches on its stomach." The same can be said about the Navy and the Sailors and Marines aboard amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4).One of the newest cooks, and arguably the best baker aboard the ship, has been doing his part to provide…
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Happy Thanksgiving!
A culinary specialist carves a turkey for the USS Nimitz crew when the carrier was undergoing work at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 2015. This year, the crew will get Thanksgiving dinner underway, with turkey, prime rib and ham on the menu.(Photo: Contributed photo / U.S. Navy)
How cool it would be to attend one of these.
LOL how I wish Jim!
Did you get to attend this competition Gary? You seem to enjoy eating like I do so I wouldn't be surprised to know you were there!
Congratulations to the culinary team!