If you’re still a DEPPER…stop snacking, restrict your sugar, caffeine, STOP smoking if you do smoke. Stop drinking alcohol if you do that.
What they can take:
Send phone #'s and addresses in his/her wallet....believe it or not they do forget #'s
Here's a list of things that are allowed:
Just bring the clothes on your back
Wallet with ID, SSN card, stamps, (small, plain wallet…boys and girls!), bank info
$25 cash
a pocket bible…I sent a Sailor Bible, putting a letter for him to find later and a self addressed stamped envelope with a few pieces of paper in it for the first letter home.
a small religious medallion
can have small photos in wallet
plain wrist watch
Recruits need to leave behind any facebook info. E-mail address, passwords so your family (mom, wife, girlfriend) can update your profile and keep your friends up-to-date with how you’re doing. And also some copy the info postd on their FB page and mail it to them at boot camp
Make sure they know not to throw this stuff in the box…they get stressed and often just dump everything in the box
Tell your rct to eat before he checks into the USO. Sleep on the plane, they keep them awake and busy for 48 hours or so once they arrive.
They get issued meal vouchers at the airport and the USO usually has subs/sandwiches/snacks..EAT and REST!!!!
Yes, your recruits can take cell phones to boot camp and take the charger as well, they are shipped back in the "kid box" the night they arrive. That phone will come back in two pieces because it is always safer to remove the battery from any electronic device before mailing it - so look for them in strange places, like their shoes or a pocket. Don't just throw their clothes into the hamper or washing machine!!
Send your recruit with a phone card, make sure they know how to use it and if they weren’t activated in the store..activte them and send some stamps. Writing paper and envelopes are provided to them. Also, YES, they can bring and keep their wallets at boot camp, just don't send a lot of cash ($25 or less). YES they can bring and keep a debit & credit card. Yes, they can have photos in their wallet (and they will look at them all the time, so add some new ones for them!). Put a small piece of paper in their wallets with all your contact numbers. Most kids don't know our work number or cell number by heart - because they are programed into their cell phones, so if they have these numbers handy in their wallets, they won't go blank when they finally are able to call you! Surprise your recruit by slipping a note into their wallet before they leave - so many have written to their moms saying that little note keep them alive while they waited for their real mail to arrive.
Watch for the id payphone and area code 847. Occ the id is restricted or withheld
They receive mail 5 days a week at bc, but they won't get any for at least 2 weeks - please prepare them now for this! Once mail service begins for them, then it takes about 7-8 days to receive a letter from home, but we get their letters in about 3-4 days. So date your letters, and put the date you mailed it on the back of the envelope. That way, when the mail does catch up with them and they have 15 pieces of it in front of them, they will know which letter to read first.
When they first get there-they will be overwhelmed, scared, stressed. There will be RDC’s yelling and cursing at them, calling them names. This is normal, it’s part of their job-this is where the “breaking them down” starts. Some kids aren’t bothered by this, some kids can’t handle it. It scared my son-but he said after a few rounds of yelling he got use to it and he actually thought it was funny.
The first week is processing and some have to wait for their division to “fill up”
During the first week will be medical- LOTS of shots (one is called the peanut butter shot-it is thick and they have to sit on the floor and wiggle so it is absorbed), blood work, more physicals, eye exams-they will get those famous BCG’s-if they need them.
Moms, wives, girlfriends—this week will be hard for you too.
They are issued a $300.00 or so credit from the NEX for incidentals…they can buy stamps and calling cards at the NEX….of course anything they buy will be deducted from their paychecks
Things to discuss with your Deppers BEFORE they leave - or write to your Recruit now to get answers:
What news do they want to hear about? If loved ones are gravely ill, or a pet dies, do they want to be told in a letter, have the Red Cross tell them or wait until bc is over because there isn't anything they can do about it. They may say "tell me", but they have not arrived yet and don't understand the stress. You know your child best, so together you guys can make a good decision.
If they find out they are a Grad & Go, they may feel bad that you are spending money to come see them for such a short visit - and they may write you and tell you not to come (just happened this week in PIR 8/27). First of all, if you can afford to go, then please do!!!! You will not regret it and your kid truly does want you there. They may not think so now, but just trust me on this one! They mature in bc, so they also think about costs and are trying to be grown-up about it.
Discuss formal Navy portraits. The Navy does NOT send home an order sheet, our kids are adults now, they decide if and how many - and most have less than a day to get the price list and make a decision. These are very professional touched up portraits, I was impressed. You will WANT these pictures! But they have to pay for them the last week of bc with a debit/credit card or personal check. Costs cannot be deducted from their paycheck. Family can go in to NEX on PIR day and pay for these - but it's a zoo in there that day, and if they don't pay for them by then, they lose out on the Keel…the photo info is at the end of this file.
Comment by Sobe,PIR 6/4 Corry Station/NASP Hint: If your DEP does not have a bank account, please open one right away so he/she can bring the debit card to boot camp with them. Yes, they can open a Navy Fed CU acct when they arrive, but it's good to have an account at your local bank or credit union so you can access it too! The cost for Navy portraits can only be paid by check, debit or credit card - and most young people never order checks! The NEX will accept cash, but recruits should never bring that much cash with them to boot camp!
The official swearing in takes place right before they leave. Yes, you can attend it usually takes place at MEPS or in the recruiters office...just ask the recruiter where the official swearing in will be.
You'll get the "I'm here" call soon after arrives at RTC (some N4M's got theres in the middle of the night.) It will be short and sound scripted...usu only lasting a few minutes. Watch for the 847 area code and the id will say payphone BUT he can take a cell phone to use along the way and to make the last call before packing it up in the kid in a box.
The box and form letter will arrive about 10-14 days after he leaves. The box is delivered via FedEx and has everything he can't have at BC...rarely is a rct able to stick a note in there but some do..so search pockets, shoes, etc. Don’t be surprised if they look like they were “dumped” in there-cause they were. The pants legs may be rolled up cause they have to have their feet measured for their shoes/boots. Take your time opening it. You may get upset all over again. Just remember to breathe
The form letter comes by snail mail and has ship/division, address, password for gate pass, PIR date, grad info and a note from your rct…don’t lose this!!
You should be able to get his temporary address from the recruiter 72 hours after he leaves..not all recruiters will do this. Occasionally the first letter is returned d/t improper address.
Once you get the PIR date…search groups and join the PIR group. It will be your lifeline for info and support.
Some really good videos on You Tube about Boot Camp and more -
Check out the forum for boot camp instructions, check out YouTube...search Navy boot camp, racks, folding, ironing (the Navy way) graduation, Battlestations 21 (CNN does this)
They need to know how to sew, iron, fold very precisely, make a bed with hospital corners, march, shine shoes
They need to time their runs...the timed run seems to be the hardest thing for them to pass wear heavy boots as much as you can...even stand for long periods. This will toughen up your feet and prepare them for wearing your boots 99% of the time in boot camp. Many rcts (mine was one of them) develop horrible blisters, some have plantar faciatis (one got sent home d/t this), some have flat feet and suffer even more.
Stress fractures and shin splints are also a common occurance...so the more you move, run and prepare then the better off you'll be.
Also, most rcts get sick in boot camp. Anything from respiratory, flu-like symptoms, pneumonia, to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pink-eye is common. SO, please start now boosting their immune system with vitamins, immune boosters, lots of Vitamin C and lots of rest.
The stuff the DEP group is memorizing...they REALLY need to know it for Boot Camp...they will be ahead if they know this stuff…General Orders, Sailors Creed, etc. Some Tips from a Shipmate
· KNOW the 11 General orders.
· KNOW all of the details pertaining to rate/rank recognition.
· Learn how to make a rack (bed) with 45 degree corners.
· Practice ironing military creases in a long sleeve, button down, collared shirt (which would be similar to the Utility shirts issued in Boot Camp)
· I strongly suggest reading the Bluejacket's Manual. Pay particular attention to Damage Control, Seamanship, First Aid, Uniforms and Grooming, and History.
· Memorize the phonetic alphabet.
· Attend all DEP meetings!
· Stay fit (or get fit). Jog, do push-ups, sit-ups, etc., The PT is not hard, but if you're in shape, it can be fun.
· At least advance to E-2 by completing your DEP PQS. You may not care now, but I'll tell you, it sure is nice to graduate with a couple of stripes on your sleeve, instead of nothing. And, of course, it will help you out down the road!
Per the NEX Photo Lab at RTC on 7/27/10:
IF a recruit orders Pkg A for $140 while IN boot camp, the Cruisebook (known as the Keel Yearbook) automatically comes with that package. IF a sailor or family member decides AFTER PIR weekend to order Pkg A, it does NOT come with it - and the price is not lowered due to this fact either. Reason: The Keel book is like a bonus feature for those who order early. Those who do not order Pkg A, but want a Cruisebook, can order one at the time photos are taken for $30. Very important: If a recruit orders Pkg A while in boot camp, but does not pay for it by PIR day, the Keel book will NOT be included in their photo order.
There are two exceptions: #1 - IF a parent/sailor walks into the NEX photo lab ON graduation day, they can order a Cruise book that day for $30 and #2 - IF a sailor is still at RTC for those few days after PIR, they have 5 days to walk in and order the book. The lab will NOT accept requests by mail or by phone for this book, even if you call or write within that 5 day period!
The reason for this is because they order the exact number of books that are paid for one week after PIR. Unlike photo re-orders that give you a year to re-order, you can never request a Keel Cruisebook after the fact.
Also, he wanted me to remind everyone that prices do change, so even if you see a post on N4M that states a photo costs "X" amount, that price could change by the time your recruit orders their photos. They can change things (like including the Keel book) at any time, but recruits will always know exactly what they are paying for when they make their order and those orders are safe from any changes that may go into effect later.
DVD's and VHS tapes of PIR are mailed out to the address given by the recruit approximately 5-7 weeks after PIR. The Cruisebook (Keel Yearbook) arrives 8-10 weeks after PIR.
First, the recruit pays for these, either with a debit/credit card, or a check when they pick them up a few days before PIR. What I could not get confirmed was whether they can deduct it from their wages, but several Moms have posted that "yes", this can be done. Now... the parents/family can go in and pay for them and pick them up on PIR day - but you must be present to do that or have sent your recruit a check.
Pkg A is expensive, but it's your best deal at $140.00: It does NOT come with the DVD of PIR, that is ordered separately for $29 (includes the shipping). However, the large pkg DOES include the Cruisebook, also known as the Keel Yearbook. It comes as a "gift" for ordering and PAYING for Pkg A by PIR date. If a recruit does not order Pkg A, they can order the Keel separately for $30 (includes shipping). Here's the confusion though - IF a recruit decides AFTER graduation that they want a Keel, it is too late, because the Photo Lab submits their order to the printing company that week - and they only order the exact number of books that have been PAID for. So, if you decide to order Pkg A AFTER graduation, you will not get the Keel book as a bonus. Hope that makes sense!
Most recruits pick up their portraits a few days before PIR, then right after the ceremony they run back to barracks to pick them up and hand them to you. The DVD is mailed to the address the recruit writes down and arrives 5-6 weeks after PIR (got mine on time). The Keel is also mailed, but takes about 10 weeks to arrive (should get ours by next week).
So, even though my son spent $174, it breaks down to this: Pkg A $140, DVD $29, and $5 for a 5x7 of the "casual" Division picture. The large 11x17 formal Division picture is included in Pkg A. And remember, Keel book (worth $30) is included if Pkg A is ordered and paid for by graduation day.
My suggestion is to write your recruit now and discuss what you want. My son paid for his, so it was his choice - however I did surprise him by reimbursing him on PIR day, which is something we chose to do. We did not buy him a graduation gift, our thought was "our present is our presence", it cost a small fortune to go to Chicago!
Here are the packages, prices and important things to know about Navy Portraits as of 8/26/10:
Your recruits picture will be taken in their Navy Blue uniform and these are very nice, professional portraits.
No order form is sent to the families, it's up to the recruit to decide to order them or not, and how many.
These are taken around week 4 or 5, they are ready and available for the recruit to pick up the last week of boot camp.
They must be paid for with a debit or credit card, or personal check (cash okay - but they should never have that much cash with them at boot camp!). They cannot have the cost taken out of their pay check. Families can go into the NEX on PIR day to pay, but it's a bit crazy on PIR day, so advise you to let recruit get them earlier that week. If your recruit did not bring a debit/credit card, mail them a check. Call the NEX Photo Lab for more info on that: 847-578-6205
There are only two packages they can order:
Package A - $140.00 (no tax charged)
1 - 11x14 photo, 2 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 24 wallets, 1 - 11x14 formal Division photo. IMPORTANT: If they order and PAY for Package A no later than PIR day, it includes a free bonus - the Cruisebook (aka Keel Yearbook).
Package B - $120.00 (no tax charged)
1 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 16 wallets, 1 - 11x14 formal Division photo. There is no free bonus book in this package.
Things you can order separately:
Note: Your recruit cannot just buy a few photos, they must order a package to receive any photos at all. However they can just order a DVD or a Cruisebook without ordering photos.
DVD or Video of PIR ceremony $29.00, includes shipping. It will be mailed to the address given by recruit 5-6 weeks after PIR
Cruisebook (aka Keel Yearbook) $30.00, includes shipping. It will be mailed to the address given by recruit 12-13 weeks after PIR. NOTE: This book is printed just one time, so if it is NOT ordered and paid for by PIR day, you can never get one later. The photo lab orders the exact number of books ordered and paid for the day after PIR, so there are never any left over. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Reorders: You can order more photos in various sizes for up to one year from PIR date. There will be a form in the portrait package to do this. Reorders can only be ordered if your recruit ordered a package.
Frames: The above packages come with thick construction paper frames - it does keep them safe when traveling. The NEX also sells very nice frames in a variety of sizes and styles. Prices are on the order form that comes with the portraits.
This information was confirmed with two different employees at the NEX Photo Lab!
All very good info. I'd like to elaborate on a few thingss.
Postage supplies- Recruits are required to buy paper, envelopes and stamps at the NEX. They will have the money to do it but they may not have the opportunity. NEX trips are earned and can be lost, so your recruit may run out. We sent paper, envevopes and stamps in every letter we sent out.
Bank accounts- Recruits will have a few differnt options, USAA and Navy Federal. Accounts at USAA can be opened before they leave for Great Lakes. This might make things easier for them in Boot. WARNING!!! If your recruit is not 18 yet neither of these banks will open an accept accounts from minors, at least that was our experience. Our sailor just used her account from home then opened a Navy Fed account after she left Great Lakes.
Small address books- Recruits are allowed a small address book. This way they can write to whoever they want. More importantly, if your recruit is going to need a top secret clearance BE SURE to put down anyone you used for a reference in the address book. Yes, the paperwork was filled out sometime during the DEP process but they will probably be asked for it at Great Lakes all over again. Thats a lot of info to try to remeber.
jim...thanks...I'll add what you wrote to my original, if that's okay
Great stuff.
My son "swore in" yesterday-- Is there another (official) swearing in ceremony for him, before he leaves, or is that it?
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