I would just like to know if other family members are seeing or hearing of problems with their sailors that are nukes...I will admit my son is having some major problems now..even after 4 years and so far one deployment. Major depression...even attempted suicide...now even after stellar evals and finished quals...they want to boot him to the curb. Never had trouble, no counseling sessions, never any legal issues..the last eval only 5 months ago was recommended "early Promote and recommend STA-21 program" I know this eval is true as my son was so proud he gave it to me! All this since his return from deployment in March....my heart is breaking for my son..As I have since found out that many are in his same state of mind..that 5 others from his ship/department have tried suicide since being back..what is going on with our navy???
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Mary I am so sorry to hear this about the loss of your son....I really dont have much of a resource for support, but I do have a great community thta helps and our church. As far as my son..when he was in nuke school he went to the chaplain and the ony advise he got from him was "Ah, your just stressed, go get laid"..my son was mortified by that! On the ship, he went to the councelors MANY MANY times with no help..went to the chaplain and still no help..I got e-mails from him that gave me signs things were not good, like "I would rather die than deal with with anymore" ..I would keep telling him to seek out a different chaplain or concelor...all I would get back in return was "MOM..you just dont understand or get it!". The navy never contacted me about my sons issues or attempts...once back on shore after another attempt on ship at sea, they let him just go home and was told he "Needed to man up". He called me in tears and I told him he needed to go back to the ship and DEMAND to see a psychiatrist..which he did and he finally got some help. But the navy STILL wanted him kicked out, they tried to get him our on a less than honorable..but his discharge went all the way to the Admiral where it was determined he would get a straight up HONRABLE...how ever...getting to help he needs now is still a nightmare. He got home Friday and went to the VA Services Monday and started the process there and filled out the papers for the VA Clinic to get his mental eval done ASAP..however...he was told and it is in writting he will be getting a bill for all the bonus money he was paid plus the taxes have to be paid back to the navy even though he never saw that portion....so this is being challenged. So much for being in the navy for 4 1/2 years!
Mary Rose Hildinger said:
Susan, I hope your son is doing well. I feel for you.My son passed away on the 14th of July in Nuke School. He apparently committed suicide. I saw signs of pressure but nothing that would make me comprehend what he was feeling. I have had the run around with the Navy. No answers, ongoing investigations, etc. I have even contacted my congressman. There needs to be some type of preperation for our young men and women to understand what they are up against. My son didnt get the counseling he needed. They promised he would and now he is gone. I would like any support that you could give. Mary from NY
Susan, I hope your son is doing well. I feel for you.My son passed away on the 14th of July in Nuke School. He apparently committed suicide. I saw signs of pressure but nothing that would make me comprehend what he was feeling. I have had the run around with the Navy. No answers, ongoing investigations, etc. I have even contacted my congressman. There needs to be some type of preperation for our young men and women to understand what they are up against. My son didnt get the counseling he needed. They promised he would and now he is gone. I would like any support that you could give. Mary from NY
John, if I wrote the whole story, it would be a book...I know much more, more than I could have imagined. He has been to the Chaplain, many times, has now been hospitalized, then released, then hospitaized again. Been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Sleep disorder(insomnia). He has been to the councelor on the ship numerous times, now a psychiatrist where he was admitted again. Ever since deployment he cant sleep, very nervous, and avoids most of his old friends and church family, gets angry quickly, and wants to be left alone. Since being in treatment he is some what back to an assemblance of normal, which is probably due to the medication they have him on..Zoloft for depression and Serequil for sleep. There is much more to this, just not something I would post on an open forum, as more than my son is having the same issues. I do have him an advocate that is helping him through this...but since this has happened, I have found this to be happening much more often to many others on other ships and subs....
Mary Rose Hildinger said:
Susan, I hope your son is doing well. I feel for you.My son passed away on the 14th of July in Nuke School. He apparently committed suicide. I saw signs of pressure but nothing that would make me comprehend what he was feeling. I have had the run around with the Navy. No answers, ongoing investigations, etc. I have even contacted my congressman. There needs to be some type of preperation for our young men and women to understand what they are up against. My son didnt get the counseling he needed. They promised he would and now he is gone. I would like any support that you could give. Mary from NY