Grandson has been at Pensocola since Saturday 19 May awaiting the start of his "A": school.  Wondering how many sons/daughters are in same position.  Grandson seems to like it as he has a lot of time off - but I think it will get old as he thinks he will have to wait 2-3 months before his class begins.  Civilian clothes after second week and he can stay off base on weekend.  No PT so I hope he stays in shape and doesn't get in trouble off base.  Each day he gets assigned to some work detail - this Memorial weekend he pulled "Watch"  last night and will be sleeping Memorial Day away.

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  • My son got classed up about 2 weeks ago and last weekend he entered phase 3 and can stay off base during the weekend...they are staying at hotels on the weekend now..LOL....If anyone has a son/daughter/loved one there and need someone to reach out to them, let me know...My son will gladly help if he can....have a great day....

  • My son got there last saturday from great lakes and is also waiting for others to arrive. He said he just got out yesterday to shop for civilian clothes and has 2nd liberty this weekend.

  • My grandson just got the priveledge of wearing civilian clothes this weekend and I guess the ability to go off base as he posted on his facebook account about the beaches off base and some restaurant.  I just hope your son and my grandson do not get tired of doing "chores" each day while waiting for their school to start.
    Ralph Pinney said:

    My son got there one week before your grandson and is also on hold. It could be 2 months. I told my son to start finding out about the on line learning opportunities.
  • My son got there one week before your grandson and is also on hold. It could be 2 months. I told my son to start finding out about the on line learning opportunities.
  • Bob, my son is at Pensacola now as well...he was there for about 3 weeks before he classed up.  He is Aviation Structural Mechanic.  Every class has a different timeline on classing up...It does get better... Maybe my son and your grandson know each other?? Send me a message with his name and barracks and I'll ask my son...or you can if you go on my site... go to my ask a sailor son gets all the questions and he will answer any that you have about pensacola...:) Let me know either way....maybe they can get together and keep each other out of trouble...LOL....

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