"Pensacola A School"
Naval Air Station Pensacola or
NAS Pensacola: is the seat of Naval Aviation and the initial primary training base for all Navy, Marine and Coast Guard Aviators.
Pensacola is also the home base for the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the World Famous, Precision-Flying Team, "Blue Angels".
his response:
Yeah. We don't normally recommend it cause parking sucks and if they get orders over seas or far away makes things harder and more expensive.
my son is an A-school instructor at Pensacola and I've asked him....
My son will be in A school in Pensacola after basic training. Will he be allowed to have his car while he is in A school?
I don't think we can write about specific dates so please don't mention them; I think its OK to write about generalities.
My question has to do with start date for the next CT-N class at Corry Station. Does anyone know approximately how often they start - once a month, once a quarter, once a week? Or is there no way to know - do they just wait however long it takes to have enough people to start one? Thanks.
Thanks, Sean. Good information.
Your son will have time to go to the NEX and get the items he needs for hygene etc. Our daughter had about a week before she starter her classes, but they have indoctrination days where they get checked in etc for the first day or so.
We sent our daughter some of her ciclvilian clothes from home, some books, her tablet, and some snacks she had been missing.
It all depends on when he phases up on what he may be allowed to have, but cell phones and laptops are generally bo problem at this point.
Send some things he has been missing and you think he might need, ie: a bowl or plate, silverware, sheets with fitted sheete with them so he does not need to keep folding corners, etc. They have a microwave and a small fridge to share in their rooms and not a lot of storage space, so get ideas from him too on what he thinks he can have after sending some essentials. Best of luck to your son!
My son will be reporting to Corry Station for his A School and I have a couple of questions that I hope someone can answer -
1) For boot camp they told him to bring nothing of his own. Will he need to bring anything to A School (towels, toothpaste, etc.) or will he be issued everything he needs?
2) Can he receive shipments from home packed in boxes?
Thanks for the help.
To Billy's mama:
I was at the airport in Pensacola last night and saw probably 20 to 30 sailors in their white uniforms. Even though my son retired last year after 21 years it is still a great sight.
My son just had boot camp graduation April 29th. He flew into Pensacola last night for A school. I am so proud of him and all his hard work. I am anxious to see his next steps in the Navy as a United States Sailor.
My sailor told me that it's not a priority to make A school graduation convenient for family visits, so they don't get much notice, and not alot of families get to attend...