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John and Luis have set a wonderful example of how we should debate things in a civil manner. I just want to be up front with everyone who participates in this discussion that I will not let this get out of hand. I want to warn everyone that this site is here to benefit us with our children's journey through the Navy not to slam each others political beliefs.

That being said I do understand that the next commander in chief will be relevant to us Navy parents. I encourage healthy debates when it comes to politics. It's what makes this country so great. We can have our own beliefs and we get to vote for whom we want in office. All I ask is for everyone to debate in a healthy manner not in a negative manner. Express your views and let others express theirs. I do not want this to be a negative response to this candidate or a negative response to that candidate. We all know that political talks can quickly become shouting matches and this is not the site for it.

Whichever candidate wins this election will be the one that we need to stand behind and support because this person will be our children's commander in chief. In the military it doesn't come down to whether you are a Republican or Democrat. In a time of war it comes down to protect your brothers in arms no matter what branch of military they are in or what their political, religious beliefs are. Navy, Marines, Airforce, Army and Coast Guard when it comes down to it will fight side by side to defend this great country's freedoms no matter where they come from.

Sincerely, Navydads Creator

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Comment by Rex on March 10, 2010 at 3:14pm

Comment by Robert Hartman on March 8, 2010 at 7:39pm
Great video John
Comment by John Frank on March 8, 2010 at 11:32am
I love this video from Oliver North...
Comment by Rex on March 8, 2010 at 10:19am

Comment by Robert Hartman on March 7, 2010 at 7:32pm
A $50 Lesson

I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '

She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'

Her parents beamed with pride.

'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use towards food and a new house. '

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? '

I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'

Her parents still aren't speaking to me.
Comment by Rex on March 5, 2010 at 8:47pm
Have you ever wondered why the libs go nuts when they hear the name Sara Palin ?
Well here is some info about her i though it was some good reading.

By Dewie Whetsell, Alaskan Fisherman.
As posted in comments on Greta's article referencing the MOVEON ad about Sarah Palin.

The last 45 of my 66 years I've spent in a commercial fishing town in Alaska . I understand Alaska politics but never understood national politics well until this last year. Here's the breaking point: Neither side of the Palin controversy gets it. It's not about persona, style, rhetoric, it's about doing things. Even Palin supporters never mention the things that I'm about to mention here.

1. Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governor's office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republican's "Corrupt Bastards Club" (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing, "la la la la" (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done anything similar.

2. Now with the CBC gone, there were fewer Alaskan politicians to protect the huge, giant oil companies here. So she constructed and enacted a new system of splitting the oil profits called "ACES." Exxon (the biggest corporation in the world) protested and Sarah told them, "don't let the door hit you in the stern on your way out." They stayed, and Alaska residents went from being merely wealthy to being filthy rich. Of course, the other huge international oil companies meekly fell in line. Again, give me the name of any other governor in the country that has done anything similar.

3. The other thing she did when she walked into the governor's office is she got the list of State requests for federal funding for projects, known as "pork." She went through the list, took 85% of the m and placed them in the "when-hell-freezes-over" stack. She let locals know that if we need something built, we'll pay for it ourselves. Maybe she figured she could use the money she got from selling the previous governor's jet because it was extravagant.

Maybe she could use the money she saved by dismissing the governor's cook (remarking that she could cook for her own family), giving back the State vehicle issued to her, maintaining that she already had a car, and dismissing her State provided security force (never mentioning - I imagine - that she's packing heat herself). I'm still waiting to hear the names of those other governors.

4. Now, even with her much-ridiculed "gosh and golly" mannerism, she also managed to put together a totally new approach to getting a natural gas pipeline built which will be the biggest private construction project in the history of North America. No one else could do it although they tried. If that doesn't impress you, then you're trying too hard to be unimpressed while watching her do things like this while baking up a batch of brownies with her other hand.

5. For 30 years, Exxon held a lease to do exploratory drilling at a place called Point Thompson. They made excuses the entire time why they couldn't start drilling. In truth they were holding it like an investment. No governor for 30 years could make them get started. Then, she told them she was revoking their lease and kicking them out. They protested and threatened court action. She shrugged and reminded them that she knew the way to the court house. Alaska won again.

6. President Obama wants the nation to be on 25% renewable resources for electricity by 2025. Sarah went to the legislature and submitted her plan for Alaska to be at 50% renewable by 2025. We are already at 25%. I can give you more specifics about things done, as opposed to style and persona. Everybody wants to be cool, sound cool, look cool. But that's just a cover-up. I'm still waiting to hear from liberals the names of other governors who can match what mine has done in two and a half years. I won't be holding my breath.

By the way, she was content to return to AK after the national election and go to work, but the haters wouldn't let her. Now these adolescent screechers are obviously not scuba divers. And no one ever told them what happens when you continually jab and pester a barracuda. Without warning, it will spin around and tear your face off. Shoulda known better.

You have just read the truth about Sarah Palin that sends the media, along with the democrat party, into a wild uncontrolled frenzy to discredit her. I guess they are only interested in skirt chasers, dishonesty, immoral people, liars, womanizers, murderers, and bitter ex-presidents' wives.

So "You go, Girl." I only wish the men in Washington had your guts, determination, honesty, and morals.
Comment by greg delany on March 5, 2010 at 8:57am
You're a 19 year old kid.

You're critically wounded and dying in the jungle in the Ia Drang Valley , on 11-14-1965, LZ X-ray , Vietnam . Your infantry unit is outnumbered 8 - 1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 or 200 yards away, that your own Infantry Commander has ordered the MediVac helicopters to stop coming in.

You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting out.

Your family is 1/2 way around the world, 12,000 miles away and you'll never see them again.

As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter..!!

You look up to see an un-armed Huey!! But.... It doesn't seem real because no Medi-Vac markings are on it.

Ed Freeman is coming for you.

He's not Medi-Vac so it's not his job, but he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway. Even after the Medi-Vacs were ordered not to come.

He's coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 2 or 3 of you on board..

Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the Doctors and Nurses.

And, he kept coming back.
13 times.

He took about 30 of you and your buddies out who would never have gotten out.

Medal of Honor Recipient, Ed Freeman, died last Wednesday at the age of 80, in Boise , ID

May God Rest His Soul.

I bet you didn't hear about this hero's passing, but we've sure seen a whole bunch about Michael Jackson !!!

Medal of Honor Winner
Ed Freeman!

Shame on the American Media..!!

Now...... YOU pass this along on YOUR mailing list.

Comment by greg delany on March 5, 2010 at 8:42am
Letter from Grandpa (Very Good Read)

John has a granddaughter. Ashley is a recent college grad. She
drives a flashy hybrid car, wears all the latest fashions, and loves
to go out to nightclubs and restaurants. Ashley campaigned hard for
Barak Obama. After the election she made sure her grandfather (and all
other Republican family members) received a big I told-you-so
earful on how the world is going to be a much better place now that her
party is taking over.

Having lost both roommates, Ashley recently ran short of cash and
cannot pay the rent (again) on her 3 bedroom
townhouse. Like she has done many times in the past, she
emailed her grandfather asking for some financial help. Here is his


I received your request for assistance. Ashley, you know I
love you dearly and I'm sympathetic to your financial plight.
Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama,
your grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic
plan of our own..."The Ashley Economic Empowerment Plan." Let
me explain.

Your grandmother and I are life-long, wage-earning tax payers.
We have lived a comfortable life, as you know, but we have never had the
fancier things like European vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have
worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But the plan has
changed. Your president is raising our personal and business taxes
significantly. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to
other people. Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less for
us, and we must cut back on many business and personal expenses.

You know the wonderful receptionist who worked in my office for
more than 23 years? The one who always gave you candy when you came
over to visit? I had to let her go last week. I can't afford to pay her
salary and all of the government mandated taxes that go with having employees.
Your grandmother will now work 4 days a week to answer phones, take
orders and handle the books. We will be closed on Fridays and will lose
even more income.

I'm also very sorry to report that your cousin Frank will no longer be
working summers in the warehouse. I called him at school this morning.
He already knows about it and he's upset because he will have to give
up skydiving and his yearly trip to Greenland to survey the polar bears.

That's just the business side of things. Some personal economic
effects of Obama's new taxation policies include none other than
you. You know very well that over the years your grandmother and I have
given you thousands of dollars in cash, tuition assistance, food,
housing, clothing, gifts, etc., etc. But by your vote, you have
chosen to help others -- not at your expense -- but at our expense.

If you need money now sweetheart, I recommend you call
202-456-1111. That is the direct phone number for the White House . You
yourself told me how foolish it is to vote Republican. You said Mr. Obama is
going to be the People's President, and is going to help every
American live a better life. Based on everything you've told me, along
with all the promises we heard during the campaign, I'm sure Mr.
Obama will be happy to transfer some stimulus money into your bank account.
Have him call me for the account number which I memorized years ago.

Perhaps you can now understand what I've been saying all my
life: those who vote for a president should consider the impact on the
nation as a whole, and not be just concerned with what they can get for
themselves. What Obama supporters don't seem to realize is all of
the money he is redistributing to illegal aliens and non-taxpaying
Americans (the so-called "less fortunate") comes from tax-paying

Remember how you told me, "Only the richest of the rich will be
affected"? Well guess what, honey? Because we own a business, your
grandmother and I are now considered to be the richest of the rich. On
paper, it might look that way, but in the real world, we are far from it.

As you said while campaigning for Obama, some people will have to carry
more of the burden so all of America can prosper. You understand what that means,
It means that raising taxes on productive people results in them having less money;
less money for everything, including granddaughters.

I'm sorry, Ashley, but the well has run dry. The free lunches are over.

I have no money to give you now..

So, congratulations on your choice for "change." For
future reference, I encourage you to try and add up the total value of the
gifts and cash you have received from us, just since you went off to
college, and compare it to what you expect to get from Mr. Obama over
the next 4 (or 8) years. I have not kept track of it, Ashley. It has all
truly been the gift of our hearts.

Remember, we love you dearly....but from now on you'll need to
call the number mentioned above. Your "Savior" has the money we
would have given to you. Just try and get it from him.

Good luck, sweetheart.


Comment by greg delany on March 5, 2010 at 8:19am

----- Original Message -----

Subject: Mothers

To celebrate the weekend, "submitted for your approval..."

Two Muslim mothers are comparing notes.

The older of the Muslim mothers pulls out her bag and starts flipping
through family photos and reminiscing.

"This is my oldest son, Mohamed. He would have been 24 now ."

The other Mom replies, "I remember him as a baby."

The first mother says, "He's a martyr now."

"Oh, that's so sad, my dear."

Then the first mother flips to another picture. "And this is my second son,
Abdul. He would be 21."

"Oh I remember him. He had such curly hair when he was born."

The first mother sighs, "He's also a martyr."

"Oh gracious me!" says the second mother.

"And this is my third son. My beautiful Ahmed ! He would be 18 this year."

"Yes," says her friend enthusiastically, "I remember when he first started

"He's also a martyr," the first mother says. She sobs. Her eyes now fill
with tears.

After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks wistfully at
the photos,

gently lays her hand on the first woman's shoulder and says:

"They blow up so fast, don't they?"
Comment by greg delany on March 5, 2010 at 8:09am
Barocky Road

New by Ben and Jerry 's !

In honor of the 44th President of the United States , Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has issued a new flavor, " Barocky Road "

Barocky Road is a blend of half Vanilla, half Chocolate, and surrounded by Nuts and Flakes. The Vanilla portion of the mix
is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient. The Nuts and Flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.
The Cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased, it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the ice cream is taken away and given to the
person in line behind you that did not pay anything for it.

Thus, you are left with an empty wallet, no change, holding an empty cone, and with no hope of getting any ice cream.
Aren't you feeling stimulated?

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