Thank you for allowing me to participate in this forum. I think it's absolutely great that there is such a place the we newbies can go to get our questions answered. My son is currently in the DEP program, going to basic in September and from there to BESS. His current MOS is SCEF.
My question; I've heard that there is a correlation with new sailors, sub school, and wisdom teeth, but I'm not clear on what I've heard/read. My son currently has his wisdom teeth. Does it have any bearing on his ability to qualify for subs? I know it sounds whacky and if it is, then feel free to tell me, no hurt feelings here.
Am I'm nuts, worried about nothing or what?
my son is at boot pir in 2 weeks will be at groton soon the first thing he had done at boot was a special physical and have his wisdom teeth pulled lolol he is 4th generation navy after me and i was not a bubble head on a boomer i was aircraft carrier duty but maybe your on to something here i have found lots of changes in the navy but it has been 30 years since i was in and my dad a ww2 vet 87 cant believe some of the letters from his grandson but its all good stuff . dont worry your son is in good hands . as i tell my son always bravo zulu all the best and thank your son for his service
Thank you for the info.
Randy Leeper said:
Thank you for the info.
lauren said:
Thank you for the info and good luck to your son. I'm glad you got to go to his graduation.
David Burkham said:
Thank you and I hope your son recoups quickly.
Bruce Crandall said:
Now I hear that my son has a nasty sinus infection and is SIQ. HOpe he gaets over it so he's not behind at BESS...
My son graduated "A" school last weekj and will be joining his assigned boat in a few weeks. He has his wisdom teeth. I asked him about it and he said several guys he knew did have them removed. He was checked by the Navy dentist and told he was good and would not have to have them removed.
That being said, I guess i won't be following this group too closely anymore. My advice to all of you is go to the graduations, both BESS and "A" school. They are small ceremonies (nothing like PIR). I drove out for both from Illinois and was glad I did. Your sailor will appreciate it and the Navy likes to see supportive families. There is a lot to do up and down the coast so leave some time to explore Groton, Mystic, etc..
I also just asked my son, he has been in for 11 yrs and the first two years of his sub duty he had his wisdom teeth. They were only removed by his request when one was bothering him.
I have to chime in on this one. I have two sons in the Navy. The older one is on the Sub - USS Alexandria he was told by his recruiter (a submariner) that they(Navy) would remove his wisdom teeth if he still had them prior to going on deployment. We had them removed by our dentist prior to boot camp.
Our other son went in 1 1/2 yrs ago and is 3rd class Petty officer IT on a destroyer in San Diego. His ship is preparing to go on deployment in early
April. Yesterday he went to the Navy dentist for a check-up. The dentist saw a wisdom tooth and he immediately yanked out during that visit. Our son said it was painful and he has always had a high tolerance to pain. We thought he had them out prior to going in, but obviously we were wrong and our son agreed he did not have them out.
So the moral of the story have your home dentist take them out!
My boy is in BESS after BC and he has all his wisdom teeth. Unless your son's teeth are bad, he should be fine with them...