Portsmouth Shipyard

As I understand it, once my son returns from leave (Aug. 8) the Truman will go underway for 10 days to offload certain supplies, etc. to other ships.  Then it will head to Portsmouth for repairs.  My son had been living on the Truman since he reported there last summer.  He has just obtained onshore living quarters at Miller Hall on base.  Now he is faced with the question of how does he get to Portsmouth each day.

Does anyone know if there are shuttle buses available for him to ride?  Carpools that he can participate in?  And, does the Navy reimburse for tolls, mileage, etc. for those who do drive their own cars (we delivered his new car to him when we can down for homecoming).  Any info that anyone can provide will be great appreciated.  Thanks!!

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  • Just wondering if anyone has heard if the Truman has transited to Portsmouth yet?  Unable to get ahold of our son the past 3-4 days to find out from him.  Thanks.

  • If that were to happen only occasionally I would think that the wait would be worth the benefit of not having to drive.  My son does have a car, so if he knows in advance that he is working a short day I suppose he could drive himself if he wanted to.  But I know the morning and evening traffic is terrible on that commute.

  • More info. "Oh one more thing about the buses to the yards. They only run during working hours so say we work 630-16 or something like that and you get off early. You have to wait for the buses to get there or find a ride"
  • Thanks for the reply and info.  I have forwarded your post to my son.  I am hopeful that he will utilize a bus if it is available because I hate the idea of him driving each day back and forth to Portsmouth.

  • I asked my daughter.  She was aboard when they were in the yards last year prior to deployment.  She says they run buses to and from the yards because f costs going through tunnels and parking "kind of sucks.". She says they haven't put out schedule or pick up and drop spots yet and when they do the whole command will know.  I know occasionally she drove herself last year.   As far as reimbursement, I guess it's like most jobs, getting to and from is on yourself.    I'm sure they will have that information available when they go underway to offload supplies and prepare to go in.

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