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I am the PROUD grandmother of James (Evan) Moore. I always new Evan was meant to do GREAT things in his life! Nothing he could have done could have topped this. The love and pride I have in my heart for my grandson words cannot say. And as the mother of E.G. the pride I have in him for starting this site is what makes a mother know she raised a fine son, just like my son did his.
Vernon Kelly
I'm glad to 'meet' you! Cindy talks about you all the time. Last time we talked you and your husband were helping them rebuild the gate. I love that lady! Elmo too, but we haven't talked on the phone yet.
Evan is great. He and some friends picked up Morgan from the airport when he had to report to Camp Pendleton. I didn't realize it was so far away, so I really appreciated him doing that.
I wish there was someone else to take Evan's place in that group. It was such a help for me.
Thank you so much for responding on the blog. You've got a great son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids. Jesse cracks me up...and I've never talked to her!
Thank you for accepting to be my friend and all of your loving and caring words. I am sure I will take you up on chatting together.
Love & prayers sent your ways