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I am the PROUD grandmother of James (Evan) Moore. I always new Evan was meant to do GREAT things in his life! Nothing he could have done could have topped this. The love and pride I have in my heart for my grandson words cannot say. And as the mother of E.G. the pride I have in him for starting this site is what makes a mother know she raised a fine son, just like my son did his.

What Brought You To This Site:


What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Very proud of our grandson, don't know why he did, but, know he did the right thing for him. I wish him the best, and Evan reach for the stars!!!! And thank you for our freedom!!!!! And I Love Yow With All My Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Thank you Carol for your prayer.
    Vernon Kelly
  • Aunt Carol - That gorgeous girl is my Abbie all grown up. Tim Sr. is actually shrinking. He was 6'8" 25 years ago. Now he is only 6'7". LOL Tim Jr. is staying in Great Lakes until November and then who knows??? He keeps changing his mind where he would like to go, but you know how that goes. He may have a plan and the navy may have a different plan. He has gone from wanting to go to SanDiego to Virginia to Japan. We will have to wait and see. Our trip to Great Lakes was short and crazy so we didn't get to do a lot of sight seeing. Tim Sr. ended up w/ gall stones and in the hospital while we were there. The day we went to Chicago it poured and Tim Jr. was a nervous wreck about getting back on time. So I would love to go back to Chicago some day and do some sight seeing. Did anyone get to go and see Evan in Hawaii?? I'm glad you will get to see him soon. Not seeing them is really hard as you already know. I hope your family is doing well. I will talk to you soon. Love, Debbie
  • Aunt Carol - It was awesome! I can't believe the last 2 months are finally over. I also joined Navy for Moms. Moms are on their computers a lot more than the dads. I don't know how I would have made it without their constant support. I had a chance to meet a lot of them last week in GL. I can't explain how I felt when I saw Tim in his uniform. I posted pictures on Navy for Moms and facebook under Debbie VanCuren. I will try to get some posted on Navy Dads. There is one of Tim and his grandmother on featured photos on Navy for Moms. She has a red jacket on. He was so proud...he graduated an E3 and he just passed a test at A school (in GL) so that he can wear civilian clothes. If only that boy of mine had taken high school this seriously. Tell Elmo and the rest of the family hi and thanks for everyone's support through this adventure. Hugs to everyone!! Love, Debbie
  • Hi Aunt Carol - I hope you got the picture today on your phone. I spent the day with Aunt Terry and Danielle. Aunt Terry was a little sad this morning when we were at the cemetary, but she actually is doing so much better. Keep praying for God's healing. Tell Elmo this site has been so amazing for me. Love, Debbie PS Still waiting to hear from Tim
  • Thank you Carol--- sometimes you just fall into something that is "right" and that is the way Navydads welcomed me! It is a group effort for sure and I know we will continue to see the same sort of growth and positive impact in our second year!
  • Carol ~ I just realized I never responded back to your last comment. Shame on me. I hope and pray that I will have a daughter in Love. I've had a monster-in-law (1st one) and now I can say, truly, I have a mother-in-love. She's the greatest. Ya know, I never would've known Elmo adores Cindy or vice versa. Not!!! I would love to meet that little Jessie. She sounds like a girl after my own heart. Hopefully, one of these years, our paths will cross and I'll meet the whole family.
  • Carol,

    I'm glad to 'meet' you! Cindy talks about you all the time. Last time we talked you and your husband were helping them rebuild the gate. I love that lady! Elmo too, but we haven't talked on the phone yet.

    Evan is great. He and some friends picked up Morgan from the airport when he had to report to Camp Pendleton. I didn't realize it was so far away, so I really appreciated him doing that.

    I wish there was someone else to take Evan's place in that group. It was such a help for me.

    Thank you so much for responding on the blog. You've got a great son, daughter-in-law, and grandkids. Jesse cracks me up...and I've never talked to her!
  • hey sorry power went off for a second
  • Carol,
    Thank you for accepting to be my friend and all of your loving and caring words. I am sure I will take you up on chatting together.
    Love & prayers sent your ways
  • No word from Evan. Mike and Ross were hunting in my spot on the double tripod. So Mike has Ross. Michael is somewhere close to Mike. Dad and Trey were on the pipeline across from the camp. He'll get to baby sit the rest of the day.
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