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  • Grateful he has arrived and is safe and sound. Hardest part was watching him leave and then the waiting started. Mom got the call as I was working, not much sleep for the family. Obviously no comparison to what our kids went through or are going through. Thanks for your comment

  • Hey Chris,
    Hope all is well wih you. I wanted to leave you a quick message to let you know that I appreciate your involvement on the Destroyer Group page. Thank you for posting welcomes and comments for the new members. With my hectic work schedule, it's hard to keep up with the site sometimes, and I am grateful to you for monitoring the group activity. THANK YOU!! I read your posts, so I know Kia is doing well on her deployment. I'm sure you and your family will be missing her during the upcoming holidays. I am very fortunate and will have Billy home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Best wishes to you and yours!
  • Chris, just wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about sending you those pics. I loaned my camera with the SD card in it, of course, to a co-worker. I should have it back on Mon. How would you like me to send the pics to you? Email or other?

    FYI there is a website where you can obtain additional information. It's for Comdesron Seven. It is the Destroyer Squadron that our sailors ships are attached to. I saw an article on their website a couple of days ago regarding the Decatur and Benfold. And, during deployment period you might want to keep tabs on the website for Commander, Carrier Strike Group Seven. You may already have knowledge of this, but I wanted to mention it to you just incase you didn't. I'm assuming you've found the site for the Decatur already.

    Hope all is well with Kia!
  • Ooh look! I'm smarter than I thought I was, lol.
  • Chris, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to get the link to work, so here is the address if you want to look it up. Sorry!

  • Chris I don't know if you receive emails from the Navy New Service or not, so I wanted to send you this link. I thought you and your wife might enjoy reading the article about the Decatur.

    NNS100921-02. USS Decatur to Deploy
  • Thank you for your comment Chris. Yes, I do have some pics with the Decatur in them. Unfortunately, I don't have a close-up full shot. When I boarded the Howard, I didn't take my camera with me at Billy's advice. Too bad because I could have gotten some great pictures. The pics I did get were taken on the harbor tour. I would be happy to send you some pics. Would you like me to email them to you or post them on your page here? If you want them emailed, just send me a private message on my page so that it won't be posted for all the world to see. I do not have my SD card with me right now, so I will try to get the pics to you in the next day or two.
  • my son grads from ship 13 div 241 on july 9th we plan to attend and already booked a hotel with a shuttle as i found out is easier to get in and out of pir.any hints u might have r welcome we cant wait to see our son we miss him more than we can say but wht we are hoping to see when we get there will make up for the time lost we hope
  • Welcome Back!
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