
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


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Proud dad who always had a desire to join the Navy but never did. I wanted to be a SeaBee.

What Brought You To This Site:

my son is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:


What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

I was on Navy4Moms and thought there had to be a site for dads.

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  • Thanks for the info.... sounds like there are plenty of nice places to stay.


    Chuck G

  • Nope I don't think there is any relation, but there could be. Our families are concentrated in S.Carolina, Florida and Texas.
  • As with any Marine Corps command, physical training (PT) is a large and very important part of over all FMF training and education. The course is physically demanding and preparation prior to reporting is extremely essential. Students are expected to maintain Navy body fat composition and grooming standards. All Students will be measured (height, weight, and body fat) on the first day of class. ARRIVE IN STANDARDS AND IN SHAPE! You will not be able to participate in training if you are out of standards. On Training Day Two, an inventory Navy Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) consisting of: sit and reach, sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1.5 mile timed run will be conducted (swimming is NOT an option). Other physical training conducted during the course includes:

    USMC PRT (pull-ups, sit-ups, and 3.0 mile run)
    3-4 PT evolutions (1.5 hours each)
    4 mile hike with gear (gear will be issued, then returned)
    Two days in the field (spending one night in the field)
    Gas chamber
    9mm Pistol Range (Familiarization Fire)
    Marine Corps Obstacle Course
    Litter Obstacle Course
  • Well the stupid little queen told my wife in a private note that she thinks my wife should find another page to comment on. No long posts should be posted when she has done the same thing. I think she is butt hurt from the" Could have heard a pin drop" post. I notice she directs people to different sites all the time and is mean to many... So She told my wife she is more direct... so I was direct with her
  • Tony passed as well only missed 2 out of 70. I didn't ask what percent. They got stuck with duty the whole week and had 6 hours of sleep in the last 4 days. Made it hard to consentrate.
  • Tony passed as well only missed 2 out of 70. I didn't ask what percent. They got stuck with duty the whole week and had 6 hours of sleep in the last 4 days. Made it hard to consentrate.
  • Dan took the BSL yesterday too, missed one. Says he should graduate April 30 too. Other than the co-ed it sounds like they are in the same class. I'll have to ask Dan tonight again.
  • John,
    Tony took the exam yesterday on Basic Lifesaving, and the first test is Monday next week. He got 100 percent on basic 80 questions on test, 3 wrong answers was fail. He is in a co-ed class and hesaid they combined the class yesterday tobe 60 pluss Corpsman in the class now. He too will graduate on April 30.
  • Nathan,
    Dan started school last Thursday and said they have their first test tomorrow 2/2. He thinks they are supposed to graduate 4/30.
  • John,
    Nathan is going orientation today. He says that his classes start on 8 Feb and he is set to graduate on 14 May. That's about all the info I have right now. What have you heard?
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