
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc

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I'm a retired Navy chaplain. And Yvonne is the wife of a retired Navy chaplain. :) Together we spent twenty years in the military. I spent ten years as a chaplain, and prior to that, ten years as an electronics technician. Yvonne and I open our home to young military men and women stationed in the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. We like to think of our home as a "home away from home" for servicemen and women. I originally joined the Navy right out of high school and went to boot camp in San Diego, CA. I came into the Navy thinking I wanted to be an electronics technician on a nuclear powered submarine.. In ET "A" School I discovered I really wasn't interested in electronics and my grades showed it. So I spent the next six years as an electronics technician stationed on a satellite communications station in Hawaii. Six months into that tour Yvonne and I got married and she became a Navy wife. After my tour of duty I got out, went to Bible College and Seminary, and put my paperwork in to become a chaplain. I was commissioned as an Ensign and served for seven years in the reserves, and then on active duty again. The Navy sent me back to Hawaii. "Aw shucks..." We've been in Virginia Beach for a little over sixteen years now, ministering to servicemen and women and their families, in our home. Anyway, that's a little bit of our story. Check out our web site and blog if you want to know more... http://openbibleministries.com http://johnandyvon.blogspot.com/ Blessings, John and Yvonne Wagner

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Proud Navy Veteran

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  • John & Yvonne, Welcome Aboard!

    My son is an ABE aboard the USS Ronald Reagan in San Diego, Ca. and my family and I couldn't be prouder of him. When he first enlisted I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to my son's future. I just knew their had to be a site for dads like n4m's but I was wrong. So I started this site so us dads would also have a place to call home. I'm new at this and I hope this site will benefit fathers that come behind us. So jump right in share concerns, join groups, share info, and show off your Sailors. I'm so glad to find out their are so many proud supporters out there. Thank you both for your service and thanks again for joining us.

    Sincerely, EG
  • Welcome to NavyDads John and Yvonne ! I'm sure you'll find the site as fun, useful, and educational as I have. Explore the site and make some friends, add your comments to a discussion or two, read the postings in the various groups-- even start one or two. I certainly have! If you have any questions or concerns ...ask! I'm sure someone here will have the answer or can point you in the right direction to find out. I'm lucky enough to have two sailors in the family - my son Eric (AM3) recently returned from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) and my daughter Kat (MC3) returned last fall from a seven-month cruise on the carrier Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). And John and Yvonne this is a great place to brag as well! So join in and let us know how you are doing! We do ask that you remember that we talk about the Navy here and we must keep the security and safety of our sailors in mind at all times. On the right side of every NavyDads page is an area we call About This Site. Please take a minute and read through the Operations Security (OPSEC) link and the NavyDads Guidelines link. And stop by the NavyDads offical store- Navyoutfitters.com. Show your support for NavyDads by wearing the latest in NavyDads attire.

    And John- thank you for your service to our great country. Best Regards- Paul
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