
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Early fifties father to five kids (3 of mine, 2 step) between 18 and 21. Paul is a Machinist Mate 1st class on a fast attach sub homeported out of Pearl Harbor. He also has a SCUBA diving rate.

What Brought You To This Site:

My son is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Couldn't have been prouder - but even prouder now.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Hello Kenorian,

    Only joined NavyDads.com an hour ago and have already been directed to you by Admin. EG.

    My son is a Lieutenant on an Ohio class sub based in Bangor and has invited me to go on a TC next month as they head from San Diego to Bangor.

    Are cameras allowed for guests? He didn't think so.
  • Kenorian, I see you also wear the fish. I'd like to ask you a question (if this is the place to do so). My son just left on his first long deployment. He's an FT. I'm having trouble coming to grips with the total lack of communication and with being kept totally in the dark about where they are, and what they are doing. I know that's the way it has to be. And really, I didn't expect to have any problems with that. But, actually experiencing it is....... not what I expected it to be.

    My question is this. For the men on a sub, how hard is it on them to be cut off from family, news, and life as we know it for such a long period of time? Is there anything I can do as his dad to help support him before, during, or after deployments?
  • Dear Kenorian,

    Greetings. My son just started Sub School, Groton. I see your son lives out side of Pearl Harbor - I TOO had a place off base ( 909 Alla Nanalla St. ,.....? when i was stationed there.

    May i ask a few questions regarding sub school from you, or any one that may read this that knows? I am new to this means of dialog, though. Thanks much.
  • Hi, I read your query to the Politics group, asking if there are any non Republicans here, I am a Democrat. So if you are one too, that makes two of us, lol.
  • My son is an E-5 currently (joined in august 31 2005) and is currently working on all of his qualifications for ET Nuke (ET2). I have downloaded the pdf but have not a chance to read it yet.

    My Son had a hard time getting out of port on this deployment. He said good bye to his wife three days in a row. He then came back into prot for a repair overnight about two weeks later. This is his third deployment on the Kentucky.

    He may be able to go take his E6 test in fall of 2009.
  • Hi my name is Mark the admin Paul directed me to you as you have been on a tiger cruise. what ship/boat did you do the cruise on? what port did you go out of? how long were you out?
    Sorry for the questions just would like to know what it was liked. my son is on the USS Kentucky SSBN 737. A little about me i have 3 children one son two daughters my son is the oldest.
  • Kenorian I have to ask. How does Paul like living on a sub? My son thinks its tough on a aircraft carrier. I'm curious to know what it's like to live underwater. They are some true Sailors.
  • not much explanation required!
  • Thanks for the movie title's, I haven't seen any of them, but would love to. Your right about firefighters being a close group of guy's. Most of my best friends are from my days as a firefighter/paramedic. It's a great profession and one I am proud to have done.
  • As both of my children grew up I was always preaching to them the duty of service. They both saw as I went to work as a police officer and herd the stories about me being a firefighter. Kyle choose to enlist on his own, no pushing from dad, I did though help him decide on the Navy instead of the Marine Corp. I have seen a change in Kyle since he left for G/L and even more now. He is more confident and sure of what he is doing.
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