
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::

Father of 3. A daughter going in on May 11, 2009. A son to follow in the next few months.

What Brought You To This Site:

My daughter is recently enlisted

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Pride, excitement, and a little trepidation.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


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  • Hi Kirk....how is Holly doing these days?

  • Hey Kirk....how's Holly doing?
  • Happy Easter to all of you ! May GOD Bless all of the family !
  • I posted a couple of links to Facebook videos that the Media Dept. on the Abe have put together.....check out the Lincoln group!
  • Kirk,
    I am sorry to hear about the mess you found yourself and your son in. I certainly don't understand Big Navy's mentality all the time. I can tell you that should your son desire to come in after getting his Associates Degree and his medical is all cleared that you would have a fair chance (all things being as they are currently with the state of recruiting). Have you looked at the Baccalaurate Completion Degree Program (BDCP) for him, since he is attending college? This program would allow him to complete his college education and then joining the Navy as an officer - and the Navy pays for the schooling. Just a thought.
  • Kirk,
    I don't want to step on something I have no knowledge of, and not certain that you are at liberty to express what waivers you are inquiring about, I have a myriad of logical answers for you, which I would have to spend paragraphs explaining them because of the language or terminology. If you want specifics, (if you are inclined to do so), write me back with exactly what your son's waiver request(s) are/were.

  • don't know if they have put in the new style racks....if not, check out Carl's photo to see the spacious living arrangements.........
  • Hi Kirk, sorry its taken so long for me to reply but its been real busy in recruiting. As for your question, it is a dificult one to ansure because I have some other questions for you. Its sounds like the recruiter and your son has done everything correctly, but some times it is out of our hands when it comes to medical. If you could let me know what his grades where and who disqualified him was it MEPS medical or was a waiver sent out to the Navy med dept. In 10 yrs of recruiting I have never seen the Navy come to the point were they can pick and choose who gets in the navy.
  • Kirk,
    We are from Johnstown Colorado...Funny, he will be attending "A" school down in Pensacola as well!
  • Kirk, Thanks for the response. It has helped me alot. Today is day #3 and I am already feeling better. My wife and I spoke with him on the phone a short time yesterday prior to his flying out of Little Rock enroute to Chicago. That was 24 hours ago and we never did get the 20 second "I am here" call but I know he is well. What you said about not being the fixer of everything for him really struck home. I am keeping in mind that this is the best thing he could have done for his career. The economy is bad and I would have not liked to see him be a restaurant host for the next five years instead of a sailor. Thanks for you help. Bob
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