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  • Hey Scott! Ironic that I got a message from you today...I was thinking that I needed to touch base with you. So you got to visit DJ in Norfolk. Wow, that 's great! Was it a "special visit" opportunity for family or something?

    Katie is in Norfolk now but her situation is a little different. She's assigned to a flight squadron of E2-C Hawkeye's. Her squadron is attached to the Truman but she's not on the ship yet. They will be onboard when the Truman goes out to sea though. She's suppose to get to go on board for a "tour" this week. She's been in Norfolk a little over a week now and she loves it. She's told me that it is a totally different atmosphere than Pensacola was like. She's very happy there. I'm sure that we will be going out to see her before they go out to sea.

    We're all in "wedding preparation and graduation" mode around here. My son's wedding will be May 15th in Lexington, KY but before that, my middle child will be graduating with his bachelor's degree on May 8th in Richmond, KY and my daughter-in-law "to-be" is graduating from veterinarian school in Auburn University on May 11th. We will doing a LOT of traveling that week!

    We are all doing great. The Lord is blessing us over and beyond anything that we could ever imagine! God is so good!

    DJ looks great in the pictures you've posted. I believe he's filled out a little simce boot camp. Looks like Norfolk agrees with him!

    Great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and the rest of your family. Let's make sure and keep in touch.

    Blessings to you from KY!
  • Scott, just noticed you were in both the Washington State and Truman groups. We should have coffee some day.
  • Kaylan's grad-n-go might not be all that bad. She doesn't have to be in P'cola until the 25th so she may not leave until later in the week. That's what we're hoping for anyway, but any time with her will be great. We'll go to the airport with her if she has to fly out right away.

    Not sure that cell phones can be used on the base but maybe I could give you a call on Thursday evening. We'll manage to say hi to each other some way.

    Hope all goes well with DJ at Battle Stations. Have a great weekend and keep us all in your prayer...we'll be doing the same for you. Blessings and peace to you. Bob
  • Hey Scott. How's it going? Well...if the information from Kaylan was correct in her last letter, our kids will be going to Battle Stations tomorrow. I've been praying in anticipation for 2 weeks. Also, I think they've recently visited the Confidence Chamber. We haven't received any "bad news" calls from her so I guess the Navy boot camp "parent's creed" ("no news is good news") is still holding true.

    Hard to believe it but in just 9 days from now, we'll be spending time with our kids for the first time in 2 months. When I gave her a hug in the airport in August, I felt like I'd never see her again (figuratively speaking) and now it's just a week away. Looking back now, it doesn't seem like it's been that long at all.

    I guess thats the "old age" thing catching up with me. Kaylan did remind me in her last letter that I was a year older now than I was when she left (I had my 50th birthday in Sept.). She also took her "old age" shots at me in that letter so I felt like she must be doing pretty good.

    Anyway, still hoping that you and I can take a minute to meet in person next week...maybe while we're waiting for all of the "festivities" to get started. We can correspond as the date gets closer.
    Blessings man. We'll be in prayer for David (and the rest). Bob
  • Hang in there Scott! Make sure that David knows that this is not all about the division accolades. He will be graduating as a sailor in the US Navy and that in itself is acomplishment enough to stand proud. When people look upon him in uniform, they will have a pride in him and our nation that will be obvious to him (at least, TRUE Americans). As I think about his (and Kaylan's) dedication and committment, it brings a tear to my eye.

    You please make sure and tell him in a letter that there's a man in Kentucky that he's never met, but this man is extremely proud of him and is lifting him in prayer and thanking our Lord for his committment and service to our country.

    That letter from him will make it to you soon!! Have an awesome day! Blessings to you and your family. Bob
  • Hi Scott. Sorry to hear about the possible trouble with David's division. I agree, Kaylan tells me that the RDC's won't put up with too much. We got another surprise phone call from her on Saturday night. Her Chief told them that they had done well and they had all of their studies completed so she allowed them to go to the Navy Exchange...the girls got to buy some make-up and other items and they all got to make phone calls. Kaylan was so excited to be able to get some "normal" items (not Navy issue). She said that her division had acquired all of the "flags" possible and they are competing to be the top division.

    You're right that they don't normally allow stuff to go on that would hold a division back. Kaylan told me that there's already been 2 girls from her division that were "sent back" in training to (as she said) "get their stuff together and get with the Navy program".

    I pray that David will remain strong and committed. I know that you're supporting him in prayer and through your letters. I'm sure he will do great once he gets throgh this. We'll keep everyone in our thoughts and prayer.

  • Yes overall Jon is enjoying himself.You and your wife will really enjoy graduation(or as its called PIR).It is really somehting to see.Do not stay at the Ramada in Waukegan even thoughthe pics on the web site look good.Not what you think.Lots of good hotels around the base in that area. Go to the mall in Waukegan its something to see.VERY BIG....oh and dont forget bass pro shop.........................
  • I forgot to ask you, how old your son is.Jon was 21 when he went in and I will never forget what he told the cheif recriuter when he asked Jon ,why didnt you join after high school. Jon just looked at him and said-I didnt want to.The look on the cheifs face was priceless and it seem to leave him speechless.
  • Hi Scott,Our son Jon is currently serving on the USS CARL VINSON in Norfolk.He is suppose to go to San Antonio sometime in October for A school(Master At Arms) but he said Saturday he didnt know if it was really going to happen then.Jon has been in since January 2008 and is in Naval Security.I remember the letters we got from him during boot camp with him saying some of the samethings your son is dealing with.There was always that one or two recruit that caused problems for everybody.Once he graduates it will get alot Better. What is your son going to be doing once he graduates......
  • Hi Scott. Its been awhile since our son was in boot camp but he had some of the same issues with certain young men in their ship. The bad part of it is if one gets in trouble they are all punished so to speak.Tell your son to keep his chin up and always do his very best no matter what.I'm sure certain ones will give him a hard time as kids do,especially the ones with no raising.Tell him to trust in the lord and he will get him through this.God bless your family and your son in these trying times....
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