
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc


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Proud of my daughter's decision to serve our country. My father was a Navy WWII veteran serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga. I was unable to serve due to a sports related spine injury but I am so proud that my daughter is following in his footsteps.

What Brought You To This Site:

my daughter is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

Exuberant but naturally concerned as a parent. As I stated earlier, I am so proud that she has chosen to serve our country in this manner.

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

My daughter advised me that this site existed before she left for boot camp.

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  • Bob...Yes he has filled out a bit but so have I ..Ha !! It was great to see him for 5 days...He is doing well over all but seemed a bit tired...He is having to learn much and those difficult 24 hour watches ....You must get on that ship it will blow your mind how big it is and the passageways...Holy cow !!! D. J hopes they get underway soon...The tough part for him is the down time waiting...Mostly older sailors in his Combat Systems positions some I am afraid not a good influence for a young man ? I have prayed for a few Godly men or women to be in his life but he must seek that himself. The temptations for are difficult to compromise he has told me. I told him some of that never changes but he can overcome through Christ and fellowship with other believers. Prayers for Katie and D J and all our sailors. God bless you Brother !!
  • Bob....Had a great week with D.J. in Norfolk. Got to tour the Truman did you go ? Is Kate on board yet ? How are you doing ? Didn't your son get married ? Blessings to you Brother !! Scott
  • Bob.....Right on Kaylan !!! God bless her and man you have gotta to be proud of her !! Sounds to me like she was in a stellar division and she held her own !! I would cry ....I am the crying type big time....I am already worried about slobbering during PIR just seeing the sailors and of course my son. We should hear tonight or tomorrow in the a.m. if David's division got their Navy caps ?

    Prayers big time for Kaylan and the flu going through camp that David had. David said he also said they sometimes can you a bad time if you go to sick bay but with him it was a must. Will be praying for her. I can't wait to go back to the hotel room and let him relax and simply ask him a million questions on my mind about this past 2 months ?? Hopefully he will feel like talking ??

    Will follow up before we meet....

    Blessings my friend.....Scott
  • Greetings late night Bob...How did Kaylan and her division do at Battle stations ?? Prayers for her and her team. D.J. is tomorrow. Getting so close. I hope we have time to say hi and it would sure be cool to get a photo of you and I together with our sailors ? I know it might be crazy hectic...We will see...God bless you...Bob......
  • Bob...Lets say hi at least on PIR day...My cell # is 206-799-5260....If they allow cells in the PIR hall or call before....Dave ( D.J. ) said in his letter battle stations is Monday ???.....He got the flu for 2 days and went to sick hall and he survived. Does not feel great but is excited to see the family and girl friend. Man at first I worrried about everything ( great man of faith ? ) Now here we are 7 days away. Hoping for that call that his division passed battle stations. He has been AROC for several weeks and hopes he keeps the position. I am proud of him and all our kids no matter what. I feel bad for your gang with Kaylan being a grad and go. I think that would bum me out a little especially traveling a great distance but just seeing graduation has got to be a thrill and well worth it. Gods richest blessings to you....Scott
  • no problem,glad to help. thats what its all about,helping each other when we can.its a shame how many have forgotten that....have fun and give your daughter a great big thanks from Texas. The Cannon's..............
  • check out the sleep inn in lake bluff il. it is also a nice place.choice hotels .com .hotel number on there site is IL439 Phone: (847) 578-9900.if you have a rand mcnally atlas from walmart on the back cover are some travel code discount numbers you can use when you make a reservation and save a little money...have fun..........pass this to scott also .
  • did some quick checking and thats the one we stayed at in march 2007.the front part of the hotel had been remodeled and thats what the photos were based on.we had a room towards the rear of the hotel and it wasn't very nice. thats where they put the party people if you get my drift. my wife was very uncomftable there so we changed to the Quality Inn just south on the same road. I think it was green bay blvd for the same price .it was nicer and the same price. there is another hotel not far from there that is like a marriot suites at that time was about $89but i dont remeber the road.i do remeber it was close to a wal-mart and some restraunts in a nice part of town and not far from the base.things are alot closer together than you think.hope this helps.good luck and enjoy the PIR it IS something to see..........
  • no i thinkit is waukegan ,will check and get back with you........
  • Bob....God bless you my Kentucky friend. We must meet and at least give each other a high 5 on graduation day. You are right on about the pride to be a sailor and serve our country. I have never been to Kentucky but Lord willing someday ?? I am a native Washingtonian on the left coast agghhh... I hope your area is more shall we say conservative then mine ....Blessings to you and have a great day !!!
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