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Separations Administration, Ship 5 USS Theodore Roosevelt, RTC.
Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
Separations Administration, Ship 5 USS Theodore Roosevelt, RTC.
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I'm Currently Serving
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When my son first enlisted into the Navy I found NavyForMoms in searching for answers to his future. Soon after that, I created this site for us Dads. Let me start by being the first to thank you for your commitment to serve our country and for protectiing its freedom. We dads and moms on here are very proud of all our Sailors serving in the Navy. Please jump right in and make this site your own. We love our Sailors on here! They have been a big help to us parents and we hope to them as well. Also we will support you every step throughout your journey in the Navy. We parents on this site are here for anything you need. God bless you in your travels and thanks again for joining us.
Sincerely, E.G.