
What Is Or Will Be Your Sailor's Rating (Job Classification) - ex. ABE, AM, GM, etc

AE something, Computers and Fire control

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Just want to see my kid succeed in something that actually helps others not only herself....

What Brought You To This Site:

my daughter is currently serving

What Were Your Feelings When Your Sailor Joined The Navy:

She leaves for Boot the 2nd of Dec, Im scared... Not as bad as if she had gone Marines or Army, but she went computers, all ships have them, all our ships end up in some dangerous places....

What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor


Please Share: How Did You Find Us?

Another dad at breakfast yesterday had one of your shirts on, I'll get one for the same reason....

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  • Hey Clay - I'm sure he'll be fine but probably not liking it, we're from the Norfolk area so you know we're used to mild weather. He finished up last part of ATT last night and he now on the HOLD list like everyone else, Got our fingers crossed for Dam Neck he's an FC.
  • We have a daughter who is a junior in college...four hours away. I so understand!
  • ha! hope she gets that out of her system...our son went all the way to hawaii!
  • That is interesting information about your daughter's car. Our son graduated one year ago in January and at that point, single ET and FC students were allowed to have their car there. Our son sold his thinking/hoping he was going to Japan but ended up in Hawaii...not all bad! It's nice that you live so close to the base -

    Just seen your blog on the government....couldn't agree more!
  • Hey Clay, hope all is well. I think we are all so bust trying to defeat Obamacare that we don't have time for NavyDads or any other website. I for one am tuned to Rush, Mark Levine and Sean Hannity to get marching orders on what to do to fight from our country going Socialist. We will be back of course. Luis
  • Don't know the specifics, but if I had to guess.........it is either 1 of 2 things; 1) there are a some folks that are not meeting expectations physically or 2) (most likely) there are a few real screw-ups in the unit, and right or wrong 1 acts like a fool or really draws the attention of the RDC..........everyone pays the price. They have to learn to work as a team/unit, and some folks need a bit more "encourgement" then others. I was in back before "the PC Police" ran the Army and it wasn't all that rare to see an entire platoon in basic out doing PT at 0300 because the soldier on fire watch fell asleep or other reason found by a DI.
  • I "celebrated" my 18th birthday in Great Lakes. Getting mail with cards, many of them homemade, got me through it.
  • Hey Clay ~ My daughter has been sending our son cards about once a week ~ she makes them in school, and I print them. Nothing Hallmark-ish.. just some pics and a note or two. It is saying that he is loved, and how proud we are of them all for the sacrifice they are making to protect us!

    I remember my 19th, 20th and 21st birthday was in the "field" sleeping under the tree's and snow of Germany, in the middle of march .. under snow, ice, wind.. it sucked! No other words to describe it.. well there are, but :) .. anyway.. they are 3 of the birthdays that I remember Most! All my Army Buddies were there with me... it was all of them that we survived many a cold night! And knowing we would get mail when we jumped back into Italy.. it always was something we all looked forward too! :) Hang in there.. .We are all praying for you and your family.. :)
  • Clay,
    Send your daughter a B-day card, just make sure it doesn't have music, no glitter or tinsle that will fall out when they open it. I have made some homemade cards and sent them. They can have them but we just don't want to draw any extra attention to them with the music etc. Even if its late she would love to get a card. Mail one tomorrow so the Holiday mail service doesn't delay it anymore. Good luck our prayers are with you and your family
  • be sure to read through Richter's posts (click here) to see that this isn't unsual....she'll make it, you just have to help her be positive and see that the end isn't so far away!!!
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