Two Generations of Navy, priceless! Congrats to you both! Tell Dillion I love the marksmanship pin & those three stripes, looks like he's headed in the right direction. HooYah! Go Dillion!
Yeah wait till he leaves for "A" school then go back into the computer and look at those pictures. Boy you havent cried yet. Or at least it was that way for me. You guys look good. What was the temp that morning?
Two Generations of Navy, priceless! Congrats to you both! Tell Dillion I love the marksmanship pin & those three stripes, looks like he's headed in the right direction. HooYah! Go Dillion!
Yeah wait till he leaves for "A" school then go back into the computer and look at those pictures. Boy you havent cried yet. Or at least it was that way for me. You guys look good. What was the temp that morning?
Looks all to must have wiped off the tears before the honest now.