Dads Navy Sailor

It's an honor to introduce the first generation Arebalo to serve his country.
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  • Thank you Gentlemen, Jay I can say I've lost a few button by the chest and a little by the tummy also :) 

    Duane, congrats to you also! There is no way I can explain other than what Jay has said, the swelling of the chest on how proud you must feel. My Sailor is home for the Holidays and we are enjoying every moment of it. He leaves on Sunday back to start A school in Great Lakes and we are not sure when we will see him again. Going to be hard letting him go on his flight. But with my Navy family I sure do get through the hard times reading how everyone else copes with their Sailors being gone. Love my Navy family HOOYAH!

  • awesome pic cant wait to see my son as he is also first generation. You should be very proud looks like a very fine young sailor you got there.

  • that uniform is so crisp I can feel the edges from here. Nicely Done on raising a sailor Jorge. Be careful though....your chest swells any bigger with pride, you're gonna need new shirts.

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