Garrett in Japan rescue mission with HS_14

110314-N-OB360-003 MIYAGI PREFECTURE, Japan (March 14, 2011) Naval Aircrewman 3rd Class Garrett Krygier, assigned to the Chargers of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 14, surveys the destruction caused by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck northern Japan March 11th. HS-14, based at Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan, is conducting search and rescue missions in Miyagi Prefecture in support of Operation Tomodachi. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Ben Farone/Released)
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  • Brad,

    Unbelievable! Would you have ever thought you would see a pic of your son with that view out his window? I've seen Garrett from the beginning of his Navy career to now seeing this pic and I'm blown away.  I couldn't be prouder of him or for your family. My thoughts and prayers go out to him & his team, we thank them for what they're doing.

  • Proud an scared at the same time to see our sailors doing what they have trained for.
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