P51 mustang

owned by a local man here in Mesa Arizona.
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  • I'll see what I can come up with.....Doc Peters used to take "vacations" to various conflict areas in the world and used to provide battlefield med services to the "underdogs....". He would never get flustered at the clinic or hospital no matter what events might have brought in patients which was the type of doc you wanted around for sure! He does have a small piece of Russian schrapnel from a mine in the back of his neck.... when trying to get out of Afghanistan he was in single file line of something like 30 "freedom fighters"....in the middle with something like 15 in front of him and 15 in back of him sneaking through mountain passes to get out of country.......the guy in back of him stepped on a mine, which implies that 15 before Doc Peters walked over the mine, he walked over the mine and the next guy wasn't so lucky. Just one of many.....we used to sit in rapt attention whne he would talk about the various weapon systems he has used. An interesting guy to say the least....and to look at him you'd never know it.......
  • Thanks for the comment BOSS !! some time when you have a little extra time LOL maybe you could share some of the stories from the ole town doc. i know they would be great.
    My father in law served in the army during ww2 he was fighting the japs in the south Pacific still to this day we cant get him to talk about it. But our oldest son Josh will get some nice war souvenirs, flag,two swords, and an old rifle, the rifle still works !!
  • When I lived in Northern Nevada, our town doctor had owned a P-38 and a P-51....he was also medical editor for Soldier of Fortune Magazine.......now he had some INTERESTING stories- like getting caught 18 km behind enemy lines in Afghanistan when the Russkies invaded.......used to love when he came down to the gun club meetings to share stories!!!
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