1st week

My son's  dentist told him his wisdom teeth would be extracted to prevent problems down the road. Is this true? Also, when can we expext his first call? Not the 10 second thing we received the other night.

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  • Yes his teeth with will be pulled on about the 2nd week my son had his pulled. My son had his pulled last week and they treated him good he said.First call was 35 min long about a week later (today) we recieved another 35 min call.Be calm the call will come.Enjoyed every second of both calls.
  • This is because the Navy doesn't want your kid to have an impacted wisdom tooth out in the middle of the ocean blue where dental surgery is only performed on aircraft carriers and only when absolutely necessary (would you want yours yanked with the ship pitching and rolling around? no thank you!). So, it's better to yank 'em now when he is stationary and not going anywhere anytime soon!

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