My daughter Kellie MacDonald arrived at Great Lakes yesterday, we got her call at about 8 pm last night.

She sounded very tired, yet relieved and excited to get started with basic training, wish my future Corpsman good luck!

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  • My son Eddy started the same day just got his form letter so I hope you have yours too. ALl the best to Kellie maybe she's in the same ship and division.Go Navy!!! Ed (Proud Navy Dad )

  • My son Cody also arrived on 8 May... once done with boot camp, he will go on to train in the EOD field. He is very excited! We are waiting for his first letter home with the address. Then we can start communicating with him. I send you and your daughter the best of luck in her adventure!! Hooyah Kellie!!! Jeff, Navy Dad, Chief Petty Officer, Retired

  • Wish her good luck...may she have fair winds and following seas!!!

  • Good luck Kellie!

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