Guys that was so awesome to see. As a parent of one of the new sailors the ceremony was the coolest thing I have seen. To see our son's and daughter's standing tall in front of us parents in your whites was a very proud moment for us. You all looked the part. I couldn't be prouder of all of you for your commitment to defend this great country we live in. When you as one said your creed aloud to the crowd it gave me chills. I am so proud of what you guys have accomplished. I know it wasn't easy but I bet it sure felt good walking around in that uniform. Wear it with pride. Always stand tall now that you are a U.S. Navy Sailor . Thank you for defending my family's freedoms. I wish all of the new graduates the best of luck wherever you may be. Make us proud. Thank you for your service and best wishes to all. Stay safe and remember to always come home to see us parents. Good luck in your travels. Navydads admin
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  • That truly was an amazing experience.  The pride I felt at the graduation was only exceeded by my son's graduation from A School as an Honor Graduate, finishing first in his AE class and the letter that we received from the Commander in Charge of the Avionics Training Dept.  Wow!  Tears of pride were flowing.  It's amazing how our boys become men in such a short period of time and I can't thank all of them enough for their service, commitment, and dedication.  Go Navy!!!

  • Ditto,
    We as parents can be very proud of our sons and daughters. We wish them luck in their new adventures, we will ALWAYS KEEP THEM IN OUR PRAYERS !!!
  • I think you summed that up just perfect. I was standing there 26 years ago. and to watch my Son and all the other Sons and daughters stand tall and proud. Was a moment I'll never ever forget.
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