my son just recently went to navy bootcamp on 9/5/12 this is what he wanted to do for several years. he is 18 just graduated was very excited at his good luck party he was telling people he was not scared or nervous he was excited. on sept 21 i got a phone call saying asking for me to not be upset but they were poss. oing to discharge him because he was depressed having a hard time sleeping and eating. In his letter we got the day before he had said things were not that bad. I waited and waited to find out what was going on. Today I finnally called admid. and they were told me he was in holding. what is holding?  I do not believe he is depressed i believe he was that second week tired and a little flusterd. He told me that they had told him even if he leaves he can always rejoin in a couple of yrs if he wants how ever thats not what I have read. I believe that if he knew that it was slim of rejoining he would not leave and would give it his all. Any advise appriciated Im confused as what holding? Does he or does he not get phone call?

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  • ...You need to join the Ship 5 Group on this site. It will help answer many of your questions. It would seem that your son may be processed for separation. This can take several weeks. He will be able to call you. Military life is a big adjustment...especially for an 18 yr old. I wish you the best....

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