My daughter AO2 Jessica Tejeda has complied with her tour of duty and is back home.

As a father and a veteran, I am so happy she is now a veteran.

She may miss being in the Navy, but life goes on.

Very proud of her serving our country for the last 6 years.

But, I will remain a Navy Dad even though I am a veteran of the U.S. Army because your group have been there for me and everyone else.

I finish with carry on, continue to march! 

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  • Wow she s invincible now :))))))
  • John,  thank you daughter for her service.  Introduce her to the Naval Reserve hey it's a car payment.  How many times I have heard  "...........if only I stayed in the Naval Reserve........"

  • HooYah brother!!!!!

  • Congratulations!!  Thankful for her service, as well.

  • OUTSTANDING !!! Thanks to Jessica for serving our country....Welcome home!

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