
I received the infamous "box" on Friday last week, I was ok opening it...I knew what to expect. Sunday I found myself wanting to pick up the phone to call her, and went oops, you cant. I got the form letter on Monday, with a little blip at the end that said "Hey Mommy! I'm here safe and sound. I'm doing OK. I miss everyone. Give my address out. I love you. xoxo!" Tuesday afternoon I got a phone call from 875 area code, almost didnt answer, I did and I heard "MOMMY???" I screamed so loud..Lyssie is that you??? Her first thing she said is I am ok, I just need you to fax info here for Security Clearance. I actually got to talk to her for almost 20mins. She was in an office. Alyssa says its harder than she imagined. Also, she felt like it wasnt real. She gets to keep her wisdom teeth, but has to have a few cavities filled. She said Tues was there first real day of training, graduation is Sept 26. She said some of the future sailors still havent learned how to "shut up" as she said and they have had to "drop" a few times. (They'll learn) Alyssa also has been to "sick call" she said she was pushing thru what they were doing and her head kept pounding and pounding. She said she tried to ignore it, but broke in to tears cause it was so bad. Ugh I hope that passes. She said she had just gotten her shots, so maybe it was a side effect. She also said I hope to call you Sunday, write me letters and tell everyone else to write. Ok thats my update....for now!!
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  • Recieved Grad pack on Friday...Letter on Thursday...guess Thursday is my letter day!! Thats the same day I got her letters last week!
  • I havent heard anything in over a week....I am a sad Mommy now... I miss my girl!!!!
  • Diane that is great news. It sounds like Alyssa is off and running. The first few weeks seem like forever but towards the end it flys by.
  • We got our 1st phone call today. He sounded so grown up almost didn't reconize his voice. It was great and received 4 LETTERS today!
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