
Thanks for the kind welcome. My daughter is in 7/371 with a PIR of 11/10/11. We have gotten 3 letters so far. It seems we get them on every Tuesday. I have 2 questions; Has anyone tried to bring any additional people to graduation beside the allowed 4 people, and did they get in? and, In "A" school, how much down time do they have? and, do they have access/privileges to phones and computers?Any info you can provide would be great. Thank you

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  • "A" school gives them some breathing room with more priviledges and free time. My son was able to have phone and pc so it was nice.

  • Vern, well in our case there are 4 adults on the guest list. My son has to request to add one more additional guest (his girlfriend) for PIR. Our SRs should be given a chance to add/modify the list I believe a week prior to graduation. As far as do they (addt'l guests) actually get in to the PIR hall remains a question for myself as well. But per grandpa273's comments I believe if they have extra seats then it shouldn't be an issue. I take into account the number of TG divisions graduating on that particular day. So in your case there are 8 divisions graduating on 11/10 but if you look at 12/2 PIR there are 11 divisions. So just judging from the numbers from a seating standpoint, you should be okay is my guess.


    Children 12 years old and younger do not count against the four-guest maximum.


  • Vern, check the PIR Group they have info and many comments. Only 4 will be let in the Hall and all others will have to wait in the Vistors Center. If there are extra seats after everyone enters then the ones waiting will be seated on a first come first serve basic.
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