A 'Kat' Update.....

Had a text from Kat...said whe was flying with the Captain and CMC to Indiana for something and she'd call on Friday to fill me in......interesting.............
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  • WOW, that is really something and I am sure it was quite an honor for KAT to be there with Capatain and CMC representing the ship. Please tell her I said congrats!!!
  • Got some more info,,,, since it is the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth a group of quilters in Indiana put together a Lincoln quilt that they wanted to present to the ship. Kat, the Captain, and the CMC flew back to the capital in Indiana for the presentation. She'll be putting a story out on the internet about the presentation and I'll post when I get a copy!
  • You peaked my curiosity! Can't wait to hear the details.
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