"A" School is over- Now Reality

Well - I have not posted anything since PIR on 11-9-12. Now "A" school "Logistics" is over and our son John just spent the last two weeks at home with us. It was very good to have him home. But now the Hard Part.   He left today to go to his first assignment aboard the USS Rushmore that is based in San Diego. The Rushmore is currently deployed in the Persian Gulf area and I think he will go meet up with it. I can't put in words how hard it was to say goodbye this time. Bootcamp and "A" school had timetables that we knew when we would see him again. My wife and I have each shed more tears today than ever. In fact they were our first tears. Now we don't know when we will see him again. It truly felt like pushing the bird out of the nest to fly on it's own. As I drove to work today I reflected on how many mothers and fathers have said goodbye to their sons over history, from the Civil War to the World Wars to Vietnam to the War on Terrorism to now. All of a sudden I did not feel alone any longer. I even remembered when I watched my father board the plane to go to Vietnam when I was 8 yrs old in 1967. He never returned. I am still proud of my father and his heroic service. I am feeling the same sense of pride in my son now. I know I must let go and as the busyness of life rolls along we will recover from today. I am more thankful than ever for modern technology like email to stay in touch with him. We have it so much better than families of years past. Does anyone know if sailors take and use cell phones when at sea? Do the ships have good internet service to email and/or skype? If any of you had similar days when your son or daughter left for their first assignment, write me. Have a great week and may those that have moved on to their great adventure have Fair Winds and Following Seas.

Rod Keefe

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  • Though I've used this website often since We dropped my son off at his recruit office to lkeave for RTC,  I now realize that by joining today would be as helpful to me as I see it is for all who have joined. My son's PIR is 15 March 13. Being the youngest of my 3 and having never been seperated from him for more then a week, needless to say its been a  tough adjustment. But, as I told him in one of the letters I sent, I thanked him for not only making himslek a part of an elitr group, but also for making me a part of an elite group in that I am a father of a sailor. He will be going to Meridian MS for A school, he is an AZ. Such beautiful helpful words Ive read here. Thanks to all of you and God Bless our sailors!!

  • Last evening my wife and I were discussing my son's recent starting of his A-school.  She wondered if "it" ever gets easier dealing with the emotional impact, the highs and lows, of our sons' and daughters' military commitments.  Rod, I think you have answered that concern.

    One thing I came to realize during my son's recent PIR and the few hours we had together thereafter while he shipped out to FSH was that we have been unknowingly adopted by a very large, concerned, and caring family of the Families of the United States Navy.  Brother, you are not alone on this journey, none of us are.  While your family's concerns and issues are unique to you, we can all help in getting us through this rocky transition of individual and family development.  Sometimes it's just putting these deep emotions, which few of us were prepared for, in writing and sharing them with others in this supportive setting which takes the weight off a bit to lighten our load; other times it may be asking for help.  Whatever the need, you're not alone and no one can be left behind.        

  • You've realized the reality of Navy life Rod....during RTC and A-school it was always about getting a call...now the hard truth of deployment sets in.  This is why I've said so many times that boot camp and A-school is as much a learning process for we parents as it is for our sailors---- it is all preparation for these months at sea and time away from home.  Many of us on NavyDads have gone through this...many more than once.  Do not hesitate to call on us for support and advice.....check out our Care Package group and get the scoop on what to send and how to do it.....you sailor and his shipmates will appreciate it!!

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