Amazingly helpful site

My sincere thanks and appreciation to the admin team of!  The information provided was critical in my preparation to visit my son's PIR last week.  With all the rules and regulations involved in getting on base and seated it was very stressful.  I couldn't imagine trying to navigate the entire process on my own.  From helping to understand the life of a recruit during boot camp, how to communicate with them, promoting Sarge's meet and great (brilliant), etc, this site and all the information provided has been priceless.  THANK YOU!!

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  • Thank you, onto the next phase!

  • Hey Scott! Congrats on being a great Dad and congrats to the fine young man you impacted greater than you Know. My son graduates on the 21-st of April.
  • Thank you Scott! You have made my day! Like Paul said, makes it all worthwhile! Congratulations on your new sailor!

  • Your comments make all the work and effort worthwhile!  We are so glad to hear that we're on target with providing the answers and help you great Navy parents need! HooYah! 

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