another question

My son chris is graduating on 08/24As of this post we have not heard got a call from.him telling us what to expect at graduation. We got 2 calls,the day he left and then about 3 weeks in. He is graduating in a week. Should i be concerned. My wife read up on this and it said we should have gotten a call already. We received a letter last week from him and he told us 2 of his bunk mates already knew their deployment destination.
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  • Yup like Paul said you will get a phone call after he passes BST-21 the "I'm a Sailor" call. Those words were music to my ears. You'll have some time to talk to him then and get updates. Keep your phone close to your heart as you could get that call at any time in the days to come. I can't believe I'm still kicking myself in the head after I missed one of my son's phone call in BC it's on my blog here.

    PIR/graduation is right around the corner hang in there... :)

  • you won't get a call until Battle Stations has concluded. He should have orders by then.... 

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