I have a question, I have not recieved any Form letter from The Navy or from my son, he's be gone for 3 weeks. I recieved his box of personal belongings. The letter is supposed to have the password so I can get my pass for graduation? If no letter how do I get this information? can any one help with this information?

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  • keep searching on this site. Try the RTC website: http://www1.netc.navy.mil/nstc/rtcgl/recruits.asp
    There is a lot of information to be had there. If you know your son's division number, the RTC site posts when you can print out the parking pass, usually 2 weeks prior to graduation. you will need the password though, so i suggest you write your son and clarify that issue.
  • The pass is a parking pass only....if you are not going to drive on base for PIR or to pick your sailor up over the weekend, you should not need the pass. He will give RTC a list of 4 names for PIR...you will have to show ID to verify who you are and to make sure you are on a guest list.
  • Michael you might talk to his recruiter and see if he can get any information to you. I can't remember when it was that we got our form letter but it did come in the mail. We were waiting and wondering when or if we were ever going to get some correspondence in the mail. When we finally did it was like my wife had won the super bowl, world series and the Stanley cup all in one. she had letters written that were setting waiting for that letter so that she could send him a book. Be patient it will come and when it does you will feel a great sense of relief.
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