as noble as your thought is thank you forposting your blog

i can only speak for me but the sight of a flag draped coffin as dad that just sent his son off to boot camp is a far to real reminder of what could be the outcome most of us are already on edge not that you did anything wrong i have talked to you i think you are a good guy something like that is just to soon for some of us


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  • i pray for your son to be safe as does most of my family back in mn my son is a seal recruit i may have spoke out of line on the blog i guess no matter how much we dont want to think about it when our sons and daughters make this choice for us it may be the outcome i wasjust thinking about new moms having to see the all to real truth thay all fight for us from the one who cleanes the head to the captian of the shipit is one team one cant make it without the other god bless them all and keep them safe

  • Even though I thought it was a fitting tribute to her husband it still strikes a little fear in my heart. My son is a Seabee in Afghan and I pray for him to stay safe. But real life has a way of smacking you sometimes. He's had one shipmate wounded by a sniper and this week another sailor lost his life to a roadside bomb. My son should be home soon (fingers crossed).... I'm proud of him and his shipmates and the work they are doing. As for the Seabees, "They build, they fight, they set up bases before the regular combat troops arrive, and people in the know respect them." 



  • I really thought that picture was really sweet. Not only a devoted wife but a fellow Marine watching over them both. It was very touching. I was worried when my son said he wanted to join the Navy but he constantly reminded me that he could cross the street and be hit by a bus. When it's his time no matter if he is crossing the street or away in the military it's his time, and it's not up to me he said, it's up to god when his time is up. So he said please let him do this because it's something he really wanted to do. All I can do is pray for him and his fellow shipmates daily and wish them all the best :)

  • On the wall in the hangar bay of the USS Abraham Lincoln you see the banners that say  Shall Not Perish. Behind those banners are three coffins. A daily reminder for our Sailors. During my sons last deployment, sadly one of those were used when a Sailor went overboard from the Halsey.

  • I posted that pic and I felt it was a symbol of dedication demonstrated by their partners and their fellow soldiers. My uncle had a Navy memorial service and it was a beautiful experience you can not put a price on. We see somuch in the media about organizations like the West Baptist church which disgusts me. If you have read my posts you will know im not the greatest military pep rally booster, but the beauty of military tradition and dedication is one of the brightest reflections of the heart in humankind.

    The odds are he will be fine. I hope he never has to stand over the body of a fallen soldier in the presence of their lover, but I know he would do that for his fellow soldier. And I know you would be proud.
  • point taken i have no missgiving of the serious business of what my son is doing the only thig i was saying is some mothers might not se it that way in fact i talked to my son about this before i put my name on his papers at 17 i have a son in law in the army who is sgt now and has been to iraq there is no hint of a blinder in this house it was his choice and his choice alone to what he is doing

  • after sending two kids off to RTC over the years, I feel differently...I think it is a great reminder that this is SERIOUS business...sometimes over the years I've felt that some parents out there that pushed their kids into the Navy have had blinders on and did not have a fair and honest understanding of what their children were doing....and on the other extreme are those that worry and fret over every little thing and cannot live without knowing every detail of what their sailors are doing or learning.  Maybe I'm weird, but I always felt that my kids knew what the score was, what the possibilities were and that as young adults had reconciled those realities against their expectations. Their mom felt the same way so I was lucky in that respect as well!

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