Be Strong, My Navy Sailor

I am just going to post the link to my actual blog here because copying and pasting just isn't really working with all the pictures and videos that are in the blog.  Thank you for allowing me to share this with all of you and thank you for reading.

Be Strong, My Navy Sailor

Joe Olmsted

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  • Joe....The words that you offer your Son are quite touching. The journey is long and arduous....but the reward is life changing. The tears of fear and heartache will be transitioned to tears of pride and joy come the day of PIR. The swell of pride in your chest when you watch your Son stride through the door with his Division, all decked out in his dress uniform, will lift you to new heights as a parent. You are soon to become part of a very large family.....the Navy family! We have all felt what you are now experiencing. We all stand beside you in this journey. You are not alone!

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