Blog virgin

My son left last Thurs with a Seal K and is Boot Camp now.  We plan on attending the PIR and had also planned on attending the post Coronado pinning. But, as I recently learned (by virtue of this blog) there is no pinning ceremony.  I (We) appreciate all and any info regarding follow-on training post PIR.

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  • Dave, please read about OPSEC for info about what you can and should not post. If your son will be going to BUDS please remove your last name from your profile.

    What pinning ceremony are you talking about not being able to go to? There is no graduation ceremony from BUDS but there is from SQT. SQT graduation is a very big deal and a must go to event. I have a Blog on our Grandsons SQT graduation, it is on my page just scroll down and you will see it. Let me know if you have questions.
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