Calling Cards.

Wanted to add a little post about a site I found while looking around Navy Dads. For all of the new Parents who may be on this site for the first few times, there is a website calledCallsForRecruits. It is a website that provides FREE CALLING CARDS for your Son, or Daughter while they are in Bootcamp, or A School. They do all of this free of charge. I might add they would gladly accept any donation you might want to sent their way. How it works is you go to their site., or .com, can't remember which sorry. There is a link on the home page to send them an email. When they get your email, they will email you 8 calling cards, and the pin numbers associated with each card. The cards have 20 minutes of call time on them. This is a wonderful service they offer to our kids when they cannot yet afford much!!!! Just thought I would share this with you all.A Proud Mom, and Dad. Randy, and Denise Lewis
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