Christmas 2008

Well, it took an extra 12 hours but we finally got Geoffrey home. The ordeal was/is a story in itself but I will let that pass for now.We had 10 days with Geoffrey, 10 very short days. We got him to both grand parents’ houses and to his great grandma’s house.He has grown so much. He is no longer a child but a very fine young man...It was hard to buy Christmas gifts for him... what do you get someone who has no room to store stuff. It was limited to parts for his computer and a new camera (so he can send pictures back to mom and dad).Tomorrow at this time he will be boarding a plane to go back to school. I must admit a little more of my heart will be boarding that plane with him. I want him to keep coming home when he can but, at the same time I wonder how many arrivals and departures my heart can take...I know others feel the same way. So, I say this: Gods blessings on each and every one of you and your sons and daughters and Godspeed.
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  • Well, He is closing in on the end of A school. I don't think I have been praying so much since I was praying for a wife.

    He is on a roller coaster ride. Some days are highs others not so highs.

    His mom has a meeting in New Orleans about a week after he graduates, so we are hoping to have some time with him. Long drive though.
  • Blessings is wonderful to see the changes the Navy brings to our children, but agony when they leave from a visit home. Cherish those moments! Best Regards- Paul
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