Counting Down

8 more days and we're off to Illinois. Back ground checks done and reservations made at the Navy Campground. Our son's PIR is on June 9th, and we can't wait. We're so excited. I'm figuring the next phone call should be after Battle Stations, to let us know he's now a Sailor. If there's anyone else with suggestions for restaurants please let me know. Well that's it now till next up date.May you all have a Safe & Great Memorial Day, and let us reflect on all of the men and women in the military past and present who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the Freedom of our Great Country. God Bless them and their Families. God Bless America!One Proud Navy Dad,Marco V.
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  • My wife just corrected me on the PIR date, it's Friday, June 7th. What can I say a mind is a terrible thing! LOL
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