My wife and I have recieved information from our son and his day-to-day routine and life at Great Lakes, however, we're trying to make flight reservations to be at his PIR and, if possible, spend a couple of days with him, if he's not grad and go. Can anyone fill me in on how much time before recruits PIR they know if they are grad and go or will have a couple of days of day leave since it's July 4th, weekend.

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  • Ricky, SWCC Training is held in Coronado, Ca. and they will leave Great Lakes as soon as they have a Full Class. Some may leave the next day while others may spend time waiting to Class up. Like Jim said let your son know your concerns so he can get the info. My Grandson is SEAL and they stay in Great Lakes for their first Training. I have watched SWCC guy train in Coronado and it was amazing. I will check with some friend and see if they have a better answer. Here is a good website to check out if you haven't already SWCC
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