Daddy’s little girl!
I remember the day that she was born, daddy’s little baby girl! The moment that I saw her, my life was changed forever. God had answered my prayers for a baby girl, Lovely daughter is her name. As I did with my two sons, I made a promise to raise her and provide her with a safe home. I promised to teach her to know God and follow him in life. One day like a blink of an eye, my baby daughter turned 5 and went to school with her brothers, Ah! It was so awesome to watch them walking toward the bus stop and holding hand together and I could see that daddy’s little girl was growing up. Lovely daughter soon began to show physical changes and started middle school, she was becoming a teenager but in my heart she was still daddy’s little girl. One day I woke up and I saw this beautiful young woman, she gave me a goodbye kiss and asked me for my blessings and there she was Lovely daughter was getting ready for her first day in high school. I could not believe what came after, just a few years passed by and Lovely daughter was having her graduation ceremony from high school, she just turned another page of her life and she looked so beautiful!! It was then when I knew that the time was near. Every father’s fear was getting closer, the day when the children will spread their wings and leave the nest! Many things passes thru my mind, one of them, was she ready? Today, Lovely daughter is leaving for the U.S. Navy boot camp; my eyes are in tears because daddy’s little girl is now a grown up woman. I know my love for her has not change if anything, it’s has grown stronger and hers for me as well and I pray God to continue watching over her and guide her thru life and as for me, I say this to God, thank you father for the privilege, the joy and the honor to raise Lovely daughter, my beloved daughter and always “DADDYS LITTLE GIRL!”
I love you Lovely daughter and I'm proud of you..HOOYAH to you~ Dad