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  • Luckily, I have 28 surrigate sons' in my boy scout troop to go camping with. This will be the first year we go on our annual fishing trip to Minnesota without Buck though. Luckily my wife and daughter like to fish. One suggestion you might think about would be to take one of his friends, or even introduce the great sport of fishing to a young person from church. Watching scouts who have never been fishing catch that first fish is great.
  • I have 3 girls! understand completely! I'd take the dog, but she's way to old.
  • I'm trying that aproach, problem is we don't jnow when he'll be home.
  • try my approach...move to southern Arizona where there is NO water then no fly fishing....problem solved....LOL

    seriously though...I have to think in terms of..."wait until we DO get together again for that trip...."
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