Daughter Enterning Navy Tomorrow


Tomorrow morning I will be bringing my daughter to the recruiter office for shipping out to boot camp. I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on what I should do as a single parent for her the last night with me.

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  • write, write ,write,, motivational, positive notes and cards!!!!

  • Thanks everyone for your warm welcome to the web site and thanks to some that commented. My daughther, son and my grand daughter decided to go out for dinner for the last night she had in town before shipping out. Therefore, we all sat and had a wonderful time talking about funny things that happen in our past as a family. This special Dinner was a just like her time as a child with me, it came and gone so fast. She's in Great Lakes now and it's my prayer to God to protect, guide and most importantly to bless/protect my precious daughter...missing her already .. Dad

  • Enjoy your quality time together and give her your one hundred percent unconditional love and support for making her decision in choosing this path. Don't look at it as the last night before she takes off, but rather the first day into a journey that celebrates a new chapter in both of your lives that can only strengthen the bond between father and daughter...

  • It's gonna a mixed bag of emotions for you both....she is leaving the nest and will be entering a new world. Everyone handles it differently....it's our place to be there...to listen and hear what she says and to be the pillar of support.  We dads want to lecture and be the problem solvers....now is the time to pay attention to what she says and help her sort though those emotions.  She does have to know the biggest hurdle to success at RTC will be the limitations she places on herself....if she does need a lecture make it simple- 1) listen, 2) pay attention to detail, and 3) act without hesitation- and 4) follow this simple philosophy : that the fear of failure is the death of success. 

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