Fellow dads, thanks for the welcome aboard.


My father served 20 years USN and now my daughter is following in his footsteps. There were some tense moments out here in California waiting for the weather to clear in the midwest but she's on the chilly ground in Great Lakes and just got off the bus.


Any insight into what to expect in the next eight or nine weeks will be appreciated. We live in the San Francisco Bay Area so she has quite a rude awakening adjusting to cold temperatures. Again, many thanks for the generous welcome.



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  • my doughter have went to great lakes on feb 15 th when did your doughter go samantha is in ship 09 div 133,bu i found just post any thing you need to know and some one will get back to you ,i am happy i found navydads
  • Hey William!

    Congratulations! Yes, your daughter will find out what cold is this time of year. But that's ok, the Navy will keep her dressed for the weather. Most of the training takes place indoors anyway. The best advice I can give is to write as often as you can. The support from home really helps. Your daughter will only have time to write on Sundays, so don't expect a lot of letters back, but know that the support from home will be invaluable. A lot of parents worry as their sons and daughters approach Battle Stations 21. This is the culmination of their training. Don't worry! As long as she stays awake (it's an overnight event) and works together with her assigned shipmates, she'll do fine.

    Welcome aboard!

  • note also we have a link in the Bootcamp group to the weekly schedule and offical trainee guide so you can follow along....
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